1. Purpose. To transmit revised Workforce Investment Act (WIA) National Emergency Grant (NEG) financial reporting requirements, including the revised OMB approved reporting format (ETA 9099) and corresponding instructions.
2. References. Workforce Investment Act of 1998, PUBLIC LAW 105-220, dated August 7, 1998; Workforce Investment Act - Final Rules, 20 CFR Part 652 et al., dated August 11, 2000.
3. Background. National Emergency Grant projects are frequently funded from multiple sources through one Master Grant Agreement, making financial accountability very complicated. To address this area of concern, ETA has developed a revised reporting format, with corresponding instructions, that requires submission of data into the Enterprise Information Management System (EIMS) by project and by fund source.
Under this reporting design, the EIMS can sort the entered data by fund source, by project (regardless of multiple fund sources), and by aggregate Master Grant Awards, including all modifications. Implementation of this revised reporting system should not only achieve increased accountability for the funds appropriated for NEG grants, but also provide increased project level management.
Prior to issuance of this advisory, NEG grantees have been required to submit hard copy Standard Form (SF) 269s, by project and by fund source, to respective Regional Offices (ROs). Regions have been given access to the EIMS NEG financial reporting system and have been requested to input data for the quarters ending June 30, 2002, and September 30, 2002. To facilitate in this process, EIMS provides menus for each Master Grant Agreement that list each project awarded, by funding source.
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For the quarter ending December 31, 2002, grantees will be responsible for direct data entry on the revised reporting format (ETA 9099). Beginning with that quarter, regions will have "acceptance" and "read only" access to the data.
4. Action Required.States are requested to take the following actions:
- Confirm/ensure that for the quarters ending June 30, 2002, and September 30, 2002, an SF 269 for each project and each fund source has been provided to the RO for data entry into EIMS. Grantees will not be able to engage in data entry for any quarters prior to December 31, 2002, and it is important that a complete history of data, by quarter, be contained in EIMS.
- Confirm/ensure that individuals who will be responsible for data entry and data certification have been identified and names/e-mail addresses have been provided to the RO (per previous request from the RO), so that password and PINs can be appropriately issued.
- Upon receipt of passwords and PINs, grantees should access EIMS NEG financial reporting and confirm/ensure that all projects awarded under Master Grant Agreement, including all modifications, are listed. Discrepancies should be immediately reported to the RO.
- Enter data, beginning with quarter ending December 31, 2002, and forward, into EIMS for all projects and all fund sources awarded under Master Grant Agreement(s), including all modifications.
- Adhere to detailed reporting instructions provided in attachment, including timelines and all other specific requirements. (Emphasis on timeliness and completeness of data is paramount with the implementation of direct data input into EIMS.)
5. Inquiries. Questions concerning this advisory should be referred to the appropriate ETA Regional Office.
6. Attachment.