Recommended Outline for the Annual Summary Report of Services Provided to MSFWs

I. Program Year 2002 (PY 2002) Performance Versus Goals Targeted in the State’s PY 2002 Plan.

Identify the state agency's actual accomplished MSFW activities as compared to those proposed in the state plan for the program year. Explain significant variances. Include activities and accomplishments made by the agency to transition the major MSFW activities (monitoring, outreach, the complaint system, and services to MSFWs and agricultural employers) into the state's One Stop delivery system. Also include a description of the role played by the State Monitor Advocate in the planning and implementation of the agency's transition activities.

II. PY (2002) Performance Versus Previous PY (2001) Performance

Analyze the state workforce agency's program performance statistical data and compare it with the previous year’s performance data. Include approaches taken or being planned to achieve and measure high standards of customer service. Include information about Workforce Investment Areas that provide superior service to MSFWs and those that are providing less satisfactory services to the MSFW population. Make recommendations for improvement where appropriate.

III. Indicators of Compliance and Corrective Actions

Analyze both the "equity" and "minimum service level" indicators by comparing the required level of compliance to the actual level of compliance. For any performance indicator not met, include an explanation and a summary of corrective actions taken or planned to improve agency performance. Also include information on how the state agency is looking at additional ways to measure service to MSFWs and increase participation levels.

IV. Outreach Program, Field Checks and Field Visits

Include a description of the MSFW Outreach Program activities conducted during the harvest season. Explain any special value added activities conducted to serve MSFWs and agricultural employers. This section should also include an assessment of field checks and field visits to the working and living areas of MSFWs.

V. One-Stop Career Center Reviews and Findings

Include the schedule of significant and non significant local offices and One Stop Career Centers reviewed. Also include a summary report of the review findings, corrective actions implemented, and follow up reports.

VI. Affirmative Action Plans (If applicable)

Assess the state and local office(s)' Affirmative Action Plans.

VII. Monitor Advocate Staffing

Identify all staff changes during the year in the Monitor Advocate personnel and the efforts made to solicit assistance from farmworker organizations and others in filling Monitor Advocate vacancies. Describe the background and experience of any staff newly appointed to Monitor Advocate positions during the year.

VIII. Services to Agricultural Employers

Include a description and assessment of the Agency's statewide and local programs carried out during the year for serving agricultural employers, and how agricultural employers were served by the One Stop Career Centers.

IX. Other Activities

Explain other activities accomplished and planned which are intended to improve services to MSFWs and agricultural employers.