Grant Procedures

  1. Grant Agreements. Funds are being provided to SWAs responsible for the Wagner-Peyser (W-P) Annual Funding Agreement Grantees for the provision of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit and Welfare-to-Work Tax Credit (WOTC and WtWTC). These services must be consistent with the instructions in this TEGL and ETA Handbook No. 408 Third Edition, November 2002 (Handbook). WOTC and WtWTC grant funds are provided on the basis of approved state plans for the program and are provided under separate W-P Annual Funding Agreements for each program year with the designated SWA. The Agreement includes Standard Assurances and Certifications that apply to all grant programs covered by the Agreement. Notice of Obligation authority documents will be issued upon receipt of an approved plan.

  2. Annual Plan. The WOTC and WtWTC plan must include a transmittal letter, an Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424), a Budget Expenditure Plan (SF-424 A, Section D only), and a Plan Narrative. Negotiations between the Grantee and the Regional Office will determine the acceptability of the annual plan for FY 2003 funds.

    1. Plans should cover a period of 12 months beginning October 1, 2002, through September 30, 2003.
    2. SWAs must submit three (3) copies of the FY 2003 WOTC and WtWTC annual plan to the appropriate Regional Office. Plans should be submitted 30 days after issuance of this TEGL. Please contact the Regional Office representative if there is a need for additional time.
    3. Regional Offices will review and negotiate changes as required with the SWAs. Plans should be prepared in accordance with Attachments I, II-A, II-B, and III (Grant Procedures, Allocations, and Plan Narrative Instructions) and be submitted to the appropriate Regional Office.

  3. Modifications. The SWA and the Regional Office, in consultation with the National Office, may jointly modify the annual plan during the program year subject to the approval of the Grant Officer in all cases involving funding actions. The plan modification must include a transmittal letter, a revised plan narrative, and a quarterly spending plan (SF-424 A, Section D only). Regional Offices are responsible for coordinating both funding adjustments and annual plan modifications. They have the authority to recommend fund adjustments where a state is not spending at an agreed upon level. When an adjustment is necessary, a bilateral modification may be issued by the Grant Officer.

    Should the Secretary of Labor be required, by future legislation, to carry out other responsibilities not anticipated in the annual plan, SWAs will be requested to submit a modification to the annual plan in order to carry out these additional duties.

  4. Financial Reconciliation. Financial reconciliation will be conducted by Regional Offices to reconcile accounting records maintained by the SWAs with the Department's original accounts.