Attachment A
WIASRD Submission Instructions

ETA has contracted with Social Policy Research Associates (SPR) to receive and process submissions of WIASRD data.  In order to ensure data integrity, it is suggested that the data for all the WIBs and for statewide programs in a state should be transmitted in the same format (fixed field or delimited field).  If delimited fields are used, please use a comma as the delimiter.  In addition, data can be sent encrypted by password protecting the compressed (zipped) file.  If for any reason the data submitted is incomplete (i.e., data for one or more WIB(s) has not been received), indicate on the transmittal form that the data is incomplete and specify what is missing.  A transmittal form should be included with each submission to provide for accountability.  

The PY 2001 WIASRD submission should include all individuals who exited during PY 2001 or PY 2000 (early implementing states should also include PY 1999 exiters).  These records should include all outcome information available, including outcome information used for the Quarterly Report due November 14, 2002 or the Annual Report due December 6, 2002. 

Method of Transmission

Data may be sent by e-mail, diskette, or CD.  Data sent via e-mail should be received by SPR by December 6, 2002; submissions sent by diskette or CD should be post-marked no later than December 6, 2002.

E-mail: The preferred submission method is by e-mail.  Please send to  Please compress (zip) the file if over 1 megabyte.  You may include transmittal information (see below) in your e-mail.  The filename should be of the form XXPY_n.txt, where XX is the two letter postal abbreviation for the State, PY is the PY year, and “n” is the submission number (in case there is more than one submission).  For example, PR01_2 is Puerto Rico’s second submission.

Diskette (or CD): Label each diskette with the State name, date, file name, submission number, and preferably contact information.  Label each disk in sequence (Disk 1 of 20, Disk 2 of 20, etc.).  Record the total number of diskettes being submitted on the transmittal form.

Send diskettes or CDs to:                   WIASRD Processing
                   Social Policy Research Associates
                   1330 Broadway, Suite 1426
                   Oakland, CA 94612

Point of contact at SPR for assistance with any problems you may be having regarding the WIASRD data is David Wright at (510) 763-1499, x637, or
PY 2001 WIASRD Submission Form
Please fax this form to 510-763-1599 or include information in e-mail to

1.             State:________________________

2.             Contact Person: _______________________________________
  Phone: _____________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
  E-mail: _____________________________________

3.             Date Sent:______________

4.             Submission Type:

      Preliminary (data are not final)

      Final (data are consistent with Annual Report)

5.             Is the submission a sample?

      Yes: Sampling percentage:  ____________


6.             Submission Method

      Disk(s) Number of Disks:__________

      E-mail Transmission (send to


7.             Filename:_____________________

8.             Password (if applicable):_________________

9.             What file format are you using?

      Fixed Field

      Comma Delimited Field

10.         Total Number of Records in File:____________________

11.         Any additional information (e.g. incomplete data submission):

