Employment and Training Administration
Washington, D. C. 20210






October 30, 1997















U.S. Employment Service




Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) and Welfare-to-Work (W-2-W) Tax Credit National Training Conference.

  1. Purpose. To provide logistical, travel and other related information regarding Regional and State staff participation at the National WOTC/W-2-W Training Conference to be held November 18 - 20, 1997, in Kansas City, Missouri.

  2. References. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, Sections 51 and 51A., as amended; the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996, (P.L. 104-188); the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 (P.L. 105-34); ETA Handbook No. 408, First Edition, July 1997; FM No. 3-98, dated October 1, 1997; ESPL No.98-02, dated October 2, 1997; and ICESA/CESER Memorandum issued to the State Coordinators, October 28, .1997.

  3. Background. As you are aware, the recently enacted Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 (Public Law 105-34) included a nine-month extension of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program, with modifications. The Act also authorized a Welfare-to-Work Tax Credit for a 16-month period, beginning January 1, 1998. Employment Service Program Letter No. 98-02, dated October 2, 1997, provided an overview of the major changes to the program under the Act. State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) have responsibility for the certification process as well as implementation, administrative and reporting responsibilities for both programs.

  4. Information. In an effort to provide state WOTC coordinators with a briefing by USDOL, IRS and other federal officials on the changes to the program and provide an opportunity for coordinators to learn from each other and share successful practices, the U.S. Employment Service, through a cooperative grant with the Kansas Department of Human Resources, has secured the services of ICESA's education and research arm, the Center for Employment Security Education and Research (CESER), to jointly sponsor a National Briefing and Training Conference, November 18-20, at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center, Kansas City, MO. As part of the grant with USES, CESER will also develop and disseminate at this conference, an initial tool kit of technical resource materials to help WOTC State Coordinators enhance the operation and administration of the WOTC and Welfare-to-Work Tax Credit Programs.

  5. Travel and Lodging Information.  A block of rooms has been reserved through November 7, at the government rate of $78/sgl. or $98/dbl (government ID required) at the Hyatt Recency Crown Center Hotel. The phone number for reservations is 816/421-1234. Please specify "U.S. Department of Labor--WOTC Conference" when you make your reservations. The hotel is located on 2345 McGee Street, Kansas City, MO 604108. Complementary breakfast will be served daily for all conference attendees.

    USES grant funds will also pay for one coordinator from each state to attend this conference. These funds are intended to pay for air/land travel, hotel and meal costs, up to $1,000 per state coordinator. CESER will reimburse states for the costs of this travel. States can send one additional staff member with WOTCrelated program responsibilities but are responsible for all travel, lodging and per diem expenses. Travel and lodging expenses for Regional staff will be borne by the Regional Offices.

  6. Conference Information. The conference will begin at 8:30 a.m., on November 18, and conclude at 12 noon on November 20. A draft agenda is attached for your information. Many states have developed useful desk aids, fact sheets, and marketing materials for the program. During the second day of the training session, we will have roundtable discussions in which these strategies/practices can be discussed and shared. If you would like to "facilitate" one of these roundtable discussions, please fax back the attached form by November 3. Using some of the state materials already collected, CESER will be preparing an initial package of "model" materials for distribution to all states at the meeting. If you have developed materials that you have not yet shared with ICESA/CESER, please send them immediately to:

    444 N. Capitol St. N.W.
    Suite 142
    Washington, DC 20001

    Based on your feedback at the conference, additional materials will be developed for distribution in early 1998.

    Finally, many states have developed websites to market the WOTC program and/or computer software programs that have facilitated in the WOTC certification and tracking process. During the conference, we plan to set aside time on the agenda for demonstrations of these websites and computer programs, and will have a resource room for state coordinators and staff to view these state-designed products and learn from each other. To accomplish this, we ask states that have developed such tools and are willing to demonstrate them, to please fax the attached form to ICESA/CESER, by November 3. ICESA/CESER will then contact you to make the necessary arrangements for these tools to be "showcased" at the conference.

  7. Action Required. State Employment Security Agency Administrators are requested to:

    1. immediately, provide' this information to all WOTC SESA Coordinators, participating agencies, and other staff handling the WOTC program;

    2. provide to ORM via the ADMORM E-Mail account, the names of the individuals who will attend this national conference by COB November 7, 1997, Attn: Christopher Paslawski; and

    3. ensure all SESA Coordinators, their backups and other staff attending the conference send their registration forms to ICESA/CESER by November 7.

  8. Inquiries. Direct all questions to the appropriate Regional WOTC Coordinator.

  9. Attachments. Copy of Draft Agenda, Registration Form, and State Program Showcase Form.