U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration Washington, D. C. 20210 |
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October 3, 1994 | |
October 3, 1995 |
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Employment Service Revitalization Work Plan |
Purpose. To transmit copies of the subject work plan.
Background. The Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration has embarked on several strategies to better serve its customers. One of these is the revitalization of the Employment Service (ES) whose goal is to strengthen the capacity of ES and its front-line local office staff to deliver high quality services and information to all customers and to make it a more fulfilling place for its employees to work. To achieve this end, a team composed of representatives from the Employment and Training Administration national and regional offices, State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs), organized labor, and the International Association of Personnel in Employment Security was formed to devise and implement a short-term and long-term plan.
As a result, the work group prepared a "Long-Term Vision Statement" which outlines ES' mission and goals as the Nation's leader in providing services to its customers and serving as a universal gateway to workforce development resources by professional, empowered staff. Within this context, the work group developed the attached short-term "Employment Service Revitalization Work Plan" for continuous improvement in the quality of services ES provides to its customers. Its development is intended to act as a catalyst for each SESA to tailor ES revitalization to fit its own needs, using existing authorities and employee empowerment. The plan includes a variety of choices on a number of action items of high visibility, high impact, and low cost which could be implemented immediately or within one year.
As partners for progress, USES views the revitalization initiative as yet another opportunity to work together to make the ES system a more customer-driven entrepreneurial system. In this spirit, therefore, USES is requesting that SESAs provide feedback on their achievements/results/outcomes as they implement the plan to revitalize the ES system in their States.
Action Required. SESAs are requested to:
1. Initiate a process of collaboration with appropriate representatives from workforce development policy coordinating bodies, such as the Governor's Office; the Human Resource Investment Council; State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee; State Job Service Employers Committee and/or Employer Advisory Council, or appropriate employer groups; and others to support the development of a State Employment Service revitalization work plan tailored to the needs of the State.
2. Provide feedback (suggestions, ideas, etc.) through the Regional Offices on what USES may need to do to improve/enhance the revitalization process.
3. Prepare a detailed outline of their proposed strategy to implement Employment Service revitalization on the State/local level and send a copy by December 2, 1994, to their appropriate ETA Regional Office with a courtesy copy to:
John M. Robinson
Deputy Assistant Secretary
U.S. Department of Labor
Employment and Training Administration
United States Employment Service
Room: N-4470
200 Constitution Avenue, N. W.
Washington, D. C. 20210
4. Reproduce the "Employment Service Revitalization Work Plan" for distribution to interested parties, as applicable.
Inquiries. Inquiries should be directed to the appropriate ETA Regional Office.
Attachment. Final "Employment Service Revitalization Work Plan."