Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) Health Outcomes Metrics Study

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Release Date: February 10, 2022

Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) Health Outcomes Metrics Study

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About the Study

In 2022, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) to fund contractor Manhattan Strategy Group and subcontractor American Institutes of Research to conduct the EBSA Health Outcomes Metrics Study. The study aims to better understand the current landscape, best practices, and data sources related to approaches that federal and state agencies and the insurance industry use to estimate the impacts of their health-related enforcement actions and interventions.

This Department of Labor-funded study was a result of the learning agenda process. It contributes to the labor evidence-base to inform worker protection, labor standards, and workplace-related benefits programs and policies and addresses Departmental strategic goals and priorities.

  • What metrics—monetary and non-monetary—are being used by academics, the insurance industry, and by other regulatory agencies to estimate the impact of changes to health benefits coverage? 
  • What data sources and analytical methods are used to develop these metrics? 
  • What specific metrics could EBSA use to measure the impact of its enforcement work?

Project Duration: 48 months

Contract End Date: February 2024

Contractor: Manhattan Strategy Group, American Institutes for Research

For More Information: ChiefEvaluationOffice@dol.gov

The Department of Labor’s (DOL) Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) sponsors independent evaluations and research, primarily conducted by external, third-party contractors in accordance with the Department of Labor Evaluation Policy and CEO’s research development process.