In addition to policy and guidance identified in the Department of Labor Manual Series (DLMS) DLMS 3-400: DOL Personal Property Management - Department of Labor Manual Series Index - LaborNet - United States Department of Labor, to reduce administrative costs and fully comply with the ”Reuse Excess Property Act” (enacted on October 1, 2024), the Department of Labor (DOL) provides this supplemental guidance and best practices to reuse excess personal property to the fullest extent possible. 

Considering Excess Personal Property Before Buying New

For cost efficiency, DOL utilizes excess personal property—items no longer needed by other agencies—as an alternative to purchasing new items. DOL requires all agencies to assess whether available surplus property can meet current needs before opting to buy new equipment or supplies. DOL encourages careful consideration of available excess personal property before purchasing new items for several key reasons:

  • By conducting a thorough evaluation of existing items, agencies can avoid unnecessary expenditures.
  • Reducing the accumulation of furniture and other personal property also reduces storage and inventory control expenses.
  • Repurposing or recycling items, where possible, contributes to a more efficient use of resources and this best practice ensures that purchasing decisions are consistently thoughtful, responsible, and aligned with long-term fiscal and environmental goals.

Evaluating Suitability of Excess Personal Property

When reviewing property, it is essential to examine the provided description for details on its specifications, features, and suitability for reuse, such as:

  • Check the condition code to understand its overall state.
  • Verify if any documentation is available, such as maintenance records or previous usage history.
  • Conduct a physical inspection by visually assessing the item for damage, wear, or missing parts, and test its functionality to ensure it works as required.
  • Determine whether the property is compatible with current operations, meets current needs, and if the proper resources are available internally to store and manage it.
  • Analyze any repair and transportation costs in comparing the total expenses to the price of buying a new item.
  • The cost of acquiring excess property should not exceed the cost of purchasing new property.
  • Identify any potential hazards and ensure the property complies with environmental and safety regulations.

Utilization Procedures

To be good stewards of Federal government funds, DOL agencies are obligated to use all of its property until no longer functional or required. When a DOL agency deems an item as unrequired, it does not necessarily mean the same item could not be utilized elsewhere within DOL. DOL agencies are to coordinate with the DOL Personal Property Management Office (PPMO) to ensure unrequired property is initially made available and publicized internally to maximize utilization.

Once unrequired property is identified and offered internally within DOL, the agency Property Management Officer (PMO) must report excess/surplus personal property through the General Services Administration (GSA) Personal Property Management System (PPMS) at this link: is external). That property can then be obtained by Federal agencies, Nonfederal recipients sponsored by a federal agency, Surplus customers (state and local government agencies, nonprofit organizations conducting educational and public health activities, etc.).

Acquiring Excess Personal Property

DOL agencies may use GSA PPMS ( is external)) to acquire excess personal property. Use of PPMS for sale of surplus property is authorized when it’s in the best interest of the government, consistent with contract terms and conditions. DOL employees shall submit a DL1-7033 approval form to their Agency Administrative Officer for access to the PPMS website.

At the DOL Headquarters, the Frances Perkins Building (FPB), employees, in coordination with the agency Property Management Officer (PMO), can utilize DOL Mart, located in C-0047 of the FPB. DOL Mart provides furniture items and office supplies to agencies at no cost. Examples of commonly stocked items are cabinets, chairs, desks, tables, binders, notepads, and other various office supplies. DOL Mart is open from 10:00am to 2:00pm, Monday through Friday, except on Federal Holidays.

Roles and Responsibilities

Reference DLMS 3-400: DOL Personal Property Management - Department of Labor Manual Series Index - LaborNet - United States Department of Labor.

Contact Us

For inquiries related to Personal Property, please contact the DOL Personal Property Management Office at (202) 693-7181 or