November 21, 2023

Acting Secretary Su appoints two members to Administrative Review Board

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced that Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su has appointed two new members of the Administrative Review Board

November 21, 2023

La investigación recupera US$481.000 en salarios atrasados y daños y perjuicios causados por contratista de pintura y revestimiento de paredes de Burbank, que negó remuneración por horas extras a 117 empleados

LOS ANGELES – El Departamento de Trabajo de EE. UU. recuperó US$481.357 de una empresa de pintura y revestimiento de paredes de Burbank que defraudó a 117 trabajadores al no pagarles los salarios obligatorios por las horas extras y luego dijo repetidamente a los investigadores federales que los empleados no habían trabajado horas extras.

November 21, 2023

Investigation recovers $481K in back wages, damages from Burbank paint, wall covering contractor who denied 117 employees overtime wages

LOS ANGELES – The U.S. Department of Labor has recovered $481,357 from a Burbank paint and wall covering company who shortchanged 117 workers by failing to pay required overtime wages and then told federal investigators repeatedly that the employees had not worked overtime hours.

November 20, 2023

US Department of Labor, Office of the US Trade Representative seek review of alleged denial of labor rights at Autoliv auto parts plant in Querétaro

WASHINGTON – The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement’s Interagency Labor Committee for Monitoring and Enforcement today requested the government of Mexico review an allegation that workers’ rights are being denied at the Autoliv auto parts plant in Querétaro, Mexico. 

November 20, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $139K in back wages for 29 employees wrongly exempted from overtime by Spartanburg home healthcare employer

COLUMBIA, SC – A U.S. Department of Labor investigation has recovered $139,975 in back wages from a Spartanburg home healthcare provider that wrongly exempted 29 employees from overtime and failed to pay them proper wages in violation of federal regulations.

November 20, 2023

Federal judge orders Bloomingdale restaurant to pay 28 workers $110K in wages, damages, after US Department of Labor investigation

Employers:    Poros Inc., operating as Bentley’s Pancake House

Pete and Stavroula Giafis,owners 

Actions:          Fair Labor Standards Act consent order and judgment

Court: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois

November 17, 2023

US Department of Labor releases informational copies of 2023 Form 5500 Series Annual Return, Report

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration, the IRS and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. today released informational copies of the 2023 Form 5500, Form 5500-SF, IRS Form 5500-EZ, IRS Form 5558 and their related instructions online. 

November 17, 2023

US Department of Labor awards $3M grant to support safe, inclusive environment for workers in Lesotho

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced an award of up to $3 million in grant funding to the International Labor Organization to promote occupational safety and health, and counter worker discrimination and gender-based violence and harassment in Lesotho.

November 16, 2023

El Departamento de Trabajo de EE. UU. multa a los empleadores de Carolina del Norte con US$139,000 por defraudar a los trabajadores agrícolas; incautaron pasaportes y visas para intimidarlos

Read this news release in English

RALEIGH, NC – El Departamento de Trabajo de EE. UU. impuso a dos empleadores de Carolina del Norte US$139,039 en multas después de que su investigación encontró que victimizaron a trabajadores agrícolas no inmigrantes al defraudar los salarios de 65 de ellos y al tratar de intimidarlos al confiscar sus pasaportes.

November 16, 2023

READOUT: Acting Secretary Su delivers remarks at launch of Presidential Memorandum on global labor rights

SAN FRANCISCO – Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su today joined Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai in San Francisco at the launch of the Presidential Memorandum on Advancing Worker Empowerment, Rights, and High Labor Standards Globally

Below are Acting Secretary Su’s remarks, as delivered:

November 16, 2023

US Department of Labor finds global gas manufacturer’s safety failures led to 25-year-old worker’s life-altering injuries after High Springs explosion

HIGH SPRINGS, FL – A global manufacturer of industrial gas could have prevented a May 2023 explosion in High Springs that severely injured several employees by following required operating procedures in the manufacturing process, a U.S. Department of Labor investigation has found.

November 16, 2023

US Department of Labor cites Massachusetts chemical manufacturer for combustible dust, chemical process violations after fatal explosion

ANDOVER, MA – A Newburyport pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturer and its parent company could have prevented an employee’s fatal injuries from an explosion on May 4, 2023, but lacked the required safeguards in a chemical manufacturing process, a U.S. Department of Labor investigation found. 

November 16, 2023

US Department of Labor fines North Carolina employers $139K after they shortchanged farmworkers; seized passports, visas to intimidate them

Read this news release En Español

RALEIGH, NC – The U.S. Department of Labor assessed two North Carolina employers $139,039 in penalties after its investigation found they victimized non-immigrant farmworkers by shortchanging 65 workers’ wages, and by trying to intimidate and seizing their passports.

November 16, 2023

Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report

In the week ending November 11, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 231,000, an increase of 13,000 from the previous week's revised level. The previous week's level was revised up by 1,000 from 217,000 to 218,000. The 4-week moving average was 220,250, an increase of 7,750 from the previous week's revised average. The previous week's average was revised up by 250 from 212,250 to 212,500.

November 15, 2023

US Department of Labor, IPC International establish national Registered Apprenticeship program in electronics manufacturing sector

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced that IPC International Inc., a global association of electronics industry manufacturers and suppliers, has established a national Registered Apprenticeship program to develop talent through industry standards and formal certification pathways. 

November 15, 2023

US Department of Labor announces updated language access plan, creation of new office to improve access for non-English speaking workers

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the release of its updated Language Access Plan, including the establishment of a new office in the department’s Civil Rights Center. 

November 15, 2023

US Department of Labor announces online hearing on proposed retirement security rule, related proposed exemption amendments beginning Dec. 12

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor announced today that its Employee Benefits Security Administration will hold an online hearing beginning Dec. 12 on the agency’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, “Retirement Security Rule: Definition of an Investment Advice Fiduciary,” and related proposed prohibited transaction exemption amendments, published in the Federal Register on Nov. 3, 2023.

November 15, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $61K for Owensboro health care worker denied protected medical leave, wrongfully terminated for exercising rights


Green River District Health Department 

1501 Breckinridge St.

Owensboro, KY 42303 

November 15, 2023

US Department of Labor announces $98M in available funding to support delivery of academic, skills training, employment services for young people

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the availability of $98 million in funding to support the delivery of pre-apprenticeships in high-demand industries including construction, healthcare, information technology and hospitality.