September 13, 2022

US Department of Labor finds Albuquerque home healthcare provider denied 64 workers more than $130K in overtime wages, damages

Employer name:                   Advantage Communications Systems Inc.

Investigation site:                 4219 Montgomery Blvd. NE

September 13, 2022

For the fourth time, US Labor Department finds Roseburg hotel operator shortchanging employees of minimum wage, overtime wages

Employer:                               Crystal Services LLC, operating as Baymont by Wyndham

September 13, 2022

US Department of Labor recovers $112K in overtime back pay, damages for 55 Houston-area home healthcare workers denied overtime

Employer name:                      V & R Health Care Services LLC

Investigation site:                  121 E. Magnolia, Suite 103

September 13, 2022

US Department of Labor secures $1.8M for 478 Massachusetts construction workers through contempt litigation in federal court

BOSTON – As a result of lengthy civil contempt litigation by the U.S. Department of Labor against two Massachusetts construction companies and their officers, the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts has approved the distribution of $1.8 million from court-ordered real estate sales and additional funds to 478 workers who were employed by Force Corp., AB Construction Group Inc., Juliano Fernandes and Anderson dos Santos.

September 13, 2022

El Departamento de Trabajo recupera $1.8 millones para 478 trabajadores de la construcción de Massachusetts por medio de una litigación por desacato en un tribunal federal

BOSTON - Como resultado de una litigación por desacato civil prolongada por parte del Departamento de Trabajo de EE. UU. contra dos empresas de construcción de Massachusetts, el Tribunal Distrital de EE. UU. por el distrito de Massachusetts aprobó la distribución de $1.8 millones provenientes de las ventas de inmuebles ordenadas por el tribunal y fondos adicionales a 478 trabajadores empleados por Force Corp., AB Construction Group Inc., Juliano Fernandes y Anderson dos Santos.

September 12, 2022

Recent US Department of Labor case findings in New Hampshire, Vermont mirror national increases in child labor violations, young workers’ injuries

MANCHESTER, NH Each year, employers hire millions of young people in the food services, retail, recreation and construction industries to add staff to meet their labor needs during peak periods. At the same time, and in response to increases in violations of federal child labor laws, the U.S. Department of Labor has increased its employer outreach and enforcement actions to help employers prevent young workers’ jobs from jeopardizing their safety and well-being.

September 12, 2022

Federal court forces Chicago restaurant owner to comply with subpoena requesting documents for US Department of Labor wage investigation

CHICAGO – After more than two years, a Chicago restaurant owner has finally complied with an administrative subpoena to provide documentation for a U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division investigation. The compliance comes after a federal judge held Wilson Torres, owner of La Bomba Food Restaurant Inc., in contempt and confined him to one night in jail and ordered him to pay $40,500 in fines.

September 8, 2022

READOUT: Secretary Marty Walsh, mental health advocates meet to discuss access to health services, treatment, supportive workplaces

WASHINGTON – Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh met with leading mental health advocacy groups, health care professional associations and other stakeholders today in Washington to discuss workers’ access to mental health services, treatment and supportive workplaces.

September 8, 2022

El Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. recupera más de $90,000 en salarios atrasados para 14 trabajadores de una pizzería en la zona de Austin y descubre violaciones de trabajo de menores de edad

Nombre del empleador:        Yaghi Enterprises, Inc. que funciona como Yaghi’s New York Pizzeria                                       

Lugares de investigación:    12400 Hwy. 71 West, Suite 510, Austin

September 7, 2022

US Department of Labor finds Meridian tree services company shortchanged workers of overtime wages, allowed minors to operate hazardous machinery

Employer:                                          Done-Rite Tree Company Inc.

September 7, 2022

US Department of Labor recovers $84K in back wages, damages for 44 underpaid workers of Honolulu employer

Employer name:        Raymond’s Painting Co.

Investigation Site:     904 Hikina Lane

                                             Honolulu, HI 96817

September 6, 2022

US Department of Labor sues former Albany restaurant owner, operator to end retaliation against workers who filed wage lawsuit

ALBANY, NY – The U.S. Department of Labor has filed suit against the former owner of an Albany restaurant after he allegedly tried to intimidate three workers and prevent them from participating in a private class action lawsuit, thus depriving them of their full rights under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

September 6, 2022

To kick off Natural Disaster Preparedness Month the US Department of Labor reminds workers of federal labor law protections, employers about responsibilities amidst the peak of storm season

DALLAS – With hazardous weather and storms a feature of the season, the U.S. Department of Labor urges workers and employers who clear debris, repair homes or perform other types of disaster recovery to become familiar with federal laws governing wages, hours of work and pay practices. The failure to pay wages as due harms employees, and violations of federal labor law can be costly for employers.

September 6, 2022

US Department of Labor reminds recovery, clean-up, rebuild employers, workers: worker protections, employer responsibilities cannot be uprooted

ATLANTA – When severe storms, dangerous weather and other natural calamities strike, the U.S. Department of Labor urges workers and employers who clear debris, repair homes or provide other kinds of disaster recovery to use resources provided by the department’s Wage and Hour Division to understand federal worker protections for wages, hours worked and pay practices.

September 6, 2022

US Department of Labor spotlights employer readiness, new resources, rights of workers during Disaster Preparedness Month

BOSTON – With menacing weather and severe storms a danger in late summer and fall, the U.S.

September 6, 2022

US Labor Department investigation finds child labor violations at 3 Dunkin’ locations in Pennsylvania, affecting 39 minors

HERSHEY, PA – A federal investigation found that a Dunkin’ franchisee violated child labor laws when it allowed 14-and-15-year-olds to work outside permissible hours at three locations in Dauphin and Lebanon counties.

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division determined that franchisee Akshar Ashish LLC, operating as Dunkin' and headquartered in Hershey, permitted 14-and-15-year-old employees to:

September 2, 2022

US Department of Labor recovers more than $90K in overtime back wages for 14 Austin-area pizzeria workers; finds child labor violations

Employer name:                   Yaghi Enterprises, Inc. operating as Yaghi’s New York Pizzeria

Investigation sites:                12400 Hwy. 71 West, Suite 510, Austin

September 1, 2022

South Carolina Burger King franchisee to make enterprise-wide changes after US Department of Labor finds child labor violations at 9 restaurants

LEXINGTON, SC A U.S. Department of Labor investigation that found child labor violations at nine Burger King franchise locations in the Columbia area has prompted the restaurants’ operator to enter into a compliance agreement and change the way it operates to improve working conditions for minor-aged workers at all current and future locations of this brand.

August 31, 2022

US Department of Labor recovers $67K in back pay for 29 workers after Akron employer fails to meet payroll for more than two months

AKRON, OH – Federal wage investigators have recovered $67,294 in unpaid wages for 29 workers after their Akron employer, a tire equipment maker, allowed them to work for months without pay.

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division found McNeil and NRM Inc. failed to pay workers for two-and-one-half months in 2022. The Fair Labor Standards Act mandates that wages are due on the regular payday for the pay period covered.