September 14, 2023

El Departamento de Trabajo de Estados Unidos recupera $17,000 en salarios atrasados del restaurante Hixson que negó la tarifa correcta de horas extras de 5 trabajadores

HIXSON, TN- Una investigación del Departamento de Trabajo de los Estados Unidos ha permitido recuperar $17,006 para cinco trabajadores de un restaurante de Hixson que no les pagó sus salarios de horas extras. 

September 12, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $47K in back wages, damages for 107 workers after restaurant failed to pay legal minimum wage, overtime

Employer:                       Sharky’s Vintage Park LLC

                                             operating as Sharky’s American Grill & Sharky’s Waterfront Grill LLC

Investigation sites:    Corporate headquarters

September 8, 2023

Investigation recovers $693K in back wages, damages from Georgia contractor that schemed for years to deprive 110 workers on Hawaii projects of overtime

HONOLULU – The U.S. Department of Labor has recovered $693,100 in back wages and damages after its investigations determined a Georgia-based prime contractor schemed to deny payment of overtime wages to 110 construction workers from 12 states employed on several hotel renovation projects in Honolulu between 2019 and 2022.

September 8, 2023

Labor Department obtains judgment to recover $252K in back wages, damages from Norristown restaurant, owners for denying full pay to 21 workers

NORRISTOWN, PA A federal court in Pennsylvania has entered a consent judgment ordering a Norristown restaurant and its owners to pay $252,579 in back wages and liquidated damages to 21 employees, an action that follows a federal investigation that found the employers denied proper overtime pay intentionally.

September 7, 2023

Department of Labor obtains judgment ordering New Orleans-area home care agency to pay $630K in back wages, damages to 80 employees denied overtime

NEW ORLEANS The U.S. Department of Labor has obtained a consent judgment requiring the operator of a New Orleans-area home healthcare agency to pay 80 workers a total of $630,000 in back wages and damages after the employer misclassified them as independent contractors.

September 7, 2023

Sawmill operator agrees to compliance with federal child labor laws after Wisconsin teen suffers fatal injuries operating dangerous machinery

GREEN BAY, WI – The U.S. Department of Labor has obtained a federal consent order and judgment against sawmill operator Florence Hardwoods LLC following the death of a child. The order requires the Florence County company to place labels and signage to prevent children under age 18 from using dangerous equipment and entering the company’s sawmill and planer buildings.

September 6, 2023

Una investigación federal y litigación recupera $419,000 en concepto de salarios atrasados, daños y perjuicios para 21 personas empleadas a quienes un mayorista de alimentos de Filadelfia les negaba las horas extras

FILADELFIA - Una investigación federal de las prácticas de pago de un mayorista de Filadelfia ha llevado al Departamento de Trabajo de EE. UU. para obtener una sentencia acordada en un tribunal federal, la cual exige que las empresas paguen $419,615 a 21 personas empleadas a quienes se les negó deliberadamente los salarios por horas extras.

September 6, 2023

Federal investigation, litigation recovers $419K in back wages, damages for 21 workers denied overtime by Philadelphia grocery wholesaler

PHILADELPHIA – A federal investigation of the pay practices of a Philadelphia wholesaler has led the U.S. Department of Labor to obtain a consent judgment in federal court, requiring the employers to pay $419,615 to 21 workers deliberately denied overtime wages.

August 30, 2023

Department of Labor announces proposal to restore, extend overtime protections for 3.6 million low-paid salaried workers

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a notice of proposed rulemaking that would restore and extend overtime protections to 3.6 million salaried workers. The proposed rule would guarantee overtime pay for most salaried workers earning less than $1,059 per week, about $55,000 per year.

August 29, 2023

Packager/distributor pays $277K to 50 workers after US Department of Labor uncovers H-2B temporary labor program violations in Cortland, New York

ALBANY, NY – A federal investigation has found that a Cortland facility operated by an Illinois global packager and distributor of personal care products violated laws protecting domestic and temporary nonimmigrant workers and recovered more than $277,000 for 50 underpaid workers.

August 29, 2023

Federal court orders Huntley restaurant to pay $105K in back wages, damages to 8 employees after Department of Labor investigation, litigation

CHICAGO – A federal court has ordered the operators of a Huntley restaurant to pay eight employees more than $105,000 in back wages and damages, despite the employers’ attempt to interfere with a U.S. Department of Labor investigation that found they illegally denied the workers their earned overtime wages.

August 29, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers more than $200K in back wages, damages for 36 employees of Southern Maine bar, grill; assesses $35K in penalties

MANCHESTER, NH – A U.S. Department of Labor investigation into the pay practices and use of child labor at a southern Maine bar and grill has found the employers failed to properly pay 36 workers their wages, falsified timecards to avoid paying overtime, and allowed minors to work long hours in excess of the legal limits. The investigation found that one of these underaged employees cleaned a hazardous meat slicer.

August 28, 2023

Department of Labor recovers $540K for 268 guest workers after father, son farm labor contractors denied them full wages, provide unsafe housing

RALEIGH, NC – Two federal investigations have recovered $540,221 in wages for 268 H-2A workers from a father and son, then operating as North Carolina farm labor contractors, and whose violations of federal laws included failing to pay some workers their full wages, to provide safe and adequate housing and to reimburse workers’ transportation costs.

August 28, 2023

Department of Labor recovers $71K in back wages for 25 workers after finding Florida produce provider denies minimum wage, overtime

Employer:                              Patel Shippers LLC

                                                19925 SW 270th St.

August 28, 2023

El Departamento de Trabajo recupera $540,000 para 268 trabajadores invitados después de que los contratistas de mano de obra agrícola de padre e hijo les negaran el salario completo, y proporcionaran viviendas inseguras

RALEIGH, NC – Dos investigaciones federales han recuperado $540,221 en salarios para 268 trabajadores H-2A de un padre y un hijo que operaban como contratistas de mano de obra agrícola en Carolina del Norte, y cuyas violaciones de las leyes federales incluyeron no pagar a algunos trabajadores sus salarios completos, proporcionar viviendas seguras y adecuadas y reembolsar los costos de transporte de los trabajadores.

August 28, 2023

El Departamento de Trabajo recupera $71,000 en salarios atrasados para 25 trabajadores después de encontrar que un proveedor de productos agrícolas de Florida negó el salario mínimo y las horas extras

Empleador:                            Patel Shippers LLC

                                                19925 SW 270th St.

August 25, 2023

Un tribunal ordena al entrenador de caballos Steve Asmussen Stables a pagar $205,000 en multas y reembolsos tras una investigación y litigio del Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU.

NUEVA YORK– KDE Equine LLC – que opera bajo el nombre de Steve Asmussen Stables – ha llegado a un acuerdo con el Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. para reembolsar $129,776 a sus mozos de cuadra y paseadores de caballo para resolver violaciones del programa federal de trabajadores H-2B, que permite a los negocios emplear trabajadores con visa temporal.

August 23, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $174K in back wages for 50 caregivers employed by Fayetteville independent living service that failed to pay overtime

Employer:                              CAH Inc., operating as Community Alternative Housing

Investigation site:                  2905 Breezewood Ave.