March 20, 2023

Federal investigation finds Algood restaurant illegally used workers’ tips for operating expenses, allowed minors to operate dangerous machines

ALGOOD, TN – The U.S. Department of Labor has recovered $42,373 for 44 employees after finding an Algood restaurant illegally kept tips that employees earned.

March 20, 2023

US Department of Labor investigation recovers more than $158K in back pay, damages for 78 Louisiana home healthcare workers denied overtime

Employer name:                   Amazing Grace PCA LLC

Investigation site:                7321 Bullard Ave.

                                                          Orleans, LA 70128

March 20, 2023

Department of Labor seeks court order to stop Brooklyn staffing agency from demanding employees stay 3 years or repay wages

NEW YORK – The U.S. Department of Labor has filed suit asking a federal court to stop a Brooklyn, New York, healthcare staffing provider from allegedly making employees sign contracts that would force them to work for the company for three years or repay rightfully earned wages.

March 20, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $633K in back wages for 84 workers for violations by District of Columbia development site’s subcontractors

WASHINGTON The U.S. Department of Labor has recovered $633,029 in back wages for 84 workers denied their full wages and benefits by subcontractors involved in construction of an affordable housing development funded by the District of Columbia.

March 17, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $353K in back wages for 322 workers after finding poultry catching companies denied workers’ full wages

BIRMINGHAM, AL – Work in a poultry catching facility is hard, where people commonly face the risks of working with dangerous equipment, on slippery floors, around hazardous chemicals, and are exposed to the possibility of illness for those handling live birds and the waste and dust they produce. Standing for long hours also greatly increases the risks of musculoskeletal disorders.

March 17, 2023

El Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. recupera $353.000 en salarios atrasados para 322 trabajadores tras descubrir que unas empresas de captura de aves de corral negaban a los trabajadores el salario completo

BIRMINGHAM, AL - El trabajo en una instalación de captura de aves de corral es duro, donde las personas se enfrentan comúnmente a los riesgos de trabajar con equipos peligrosos, en suelos resbaladizos, alrededor de productos químicos peligrosos, y están expuestos a la posibilidad de enfermedad para aquellos que manipulan aves vivas y los residuos y el polvo que producen.

March 16, 2023

US Department of Labor finds Honolulu addiction treatment center denied 34 care workers, support staff overtime, minimum wages

HONOLULU – A Honolulu substance abuse treatment facility must pay a total of $451,989 in back wages to 34 substance use disorder counselors and kitchen, clerical, maintenance and administrative staff after a U.S. Department of Labor investigation into the center’s illegal pay practices. In some cases, the facility paid workers providing patient care and other services as little as $400 per month.

March 16, 2023

Operator of 8 Dunkin franchise locations in three states resolves child labor violations, enters enhanced compliance agreement to prevent future infractions

BROOKEVILLE, MD – A federal investigation found Dunkin franchise locations in Maryland and West Virginia allowed 19 minors to work in violation of child labor laws, leading the employer to accept responsibility for the offenses and to sign an agreement with the U.S. Department of Labor to prevent future violations at its eight locations in three states.

March 15, 2023

Court orders Ohio healthcare provider to pay $22K in back wages, damages, penalties to 7 employees, after investigation finds overtime violations

SPRINGDALE, OH – The U.S. Department of Labor has obtained a federal court order that recovers $19,934 in back wages and damages from an Ohio home healthcare and adult daycare service provider who denied seven employees overtime wages and failed to properly pay in-home workers when clients’ needs disrupted their sleep time.

March 14, 2023

Un tribunal ordena a una empresa a pagar más de $700,000 en salarios atrasados, daños y perjuicios a 470 empleados tras una investigación del Departamento de Trabajo

GLENDALE, AZ - El Departamento de Trabajo se encuentra distribuyendo más de $700,000 en salarios atrasados y daños y perjuicios a 470 empleados, recuperados de una empresa de enyesado de Glendale tras una investigación y demanda relacionada con las prácticas de pago del empleador.

March 14, 2023

El Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. recupera $190.000 en salarios atrasados y daños y perjuicios tras descubrir que los restaurantes de St. Petersburg retenían salarios para cubrir gastos de funcionamiento

ST. PETERSBURG, FL - Los investigadores federales han descubierto que dos restaurantes de St. Petersburg retuvieron las propinas ganadas por camareros y meseros para pagar a los clientes que se saltaron sus facturas, cobraron ilegalmente a los empleados por los uniformes y negaron a algunos trabajadores el salario mínimo requerido y el pago completo de las horas extras.

March 13, 2023

El Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. recupera $46,000 en salarios atrasados y daños para 14 trabajadores de la construcción en un lugar de trabajo comercial de El Paso

Nombre del empleador:                   C & C Steel LLC                                       

March 13, 2023

Department of Labor recovers $151K in back wages, assesses $49K in penalties after review of Boca Grande resort’s use of guest visa program

TAMPA, FL – A U.S. Department of Labor probe into how a Boca Grande resort used the federal H-2B program to employ guest visa workers for seasonal labor has recovered $151,598 in back wages for nine non-immigrant workers and led to $49,401 in civil money penalties for the resort.

March 13, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $46K in back wages, damages for 14 construction workers at El Paso commercial worksite

Employer name:                    C & C Steel LLC                                    

March 10, 2023

Not Child’s Work: Department of Labor finds Florida roofing contractor’s work practices endangered minor, jeopardized workers’ safety, full wages

ORLANDO, FL – It’s likely that the decisions Juan Felipe Gomez Toro made one day in February 2022 turned out to be more costly to his Lake Mary roofing contracting company than he might have imagined.

March 9, 2023

No es trabajo para menores: El Departamento de Trabajo considera que las prácticas laborales de un contratista de techados de Florida ponían en peligro a un menor, comprometían la seguridad de los trabajadores y el salario completo.

ORLANDO, FL - Es probable que las decisiones que Juan Felipe Gómez Toro tomó un día de febrero de 2022 resultaran más costosas para su empresa contratista de tejados de Lake Mary de lo que podría haber imaginado.

March 9, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $190K in back wages, damages after finding St. Petersburg restaurants withheld wages to cover operating costs

ST. PETERSBURG, FL – Federal investigators have found that two St. Petersburg restaurants withheld tips earned by bartenders and servers to pay for customers who skipped out on their bills, illegally charged employees for uniforms and denied some workers required minimum wage and full overtime pay.

March 7, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $166K in back wages for 53 roofing workers denied overtime by Mohawk Valley contractor

ALBANY, NY – The U.S. Department of Labor has recovered $166,832 for 53 employees of a Little Falls roofing contractor to resolve overtime and recordkeeping violations found by investigators with the department’s Wage and Hour Division.

March 7, 2023

Court orders plastering company to pay more than $700K in back wages, damages to 470 employees, after Department of Labor investigation

GLENDALE, AZ – The U.S. Department of Labor is currently distributing more than $700,000 in back wages and damages to 470 employees, recovered from a Glendale plastering company following an investigation and lawsuit related to the employer’s pay practices.