March 28, 2023

Court enters consent order requiring restaurants to pay $911K in back wages, damages to 99 underpaid workers in Massachusetts, New Hampshire

CONCORD, NH – A federal court has entered a consent order requiring the Concord-based owner and operator of three restaurants in New Hampshire and Massachusetts to pay $911,568 in back wages and liquidated damages to 99 employees after a U.S. Department of Labor investigation into their pay practices.

March 28, 2023

Un tribunal aprueba un fallo por consentimiento que obliga a unos restaurantes a pagar $911,000 en salarios atrasados y daños y perjuicios a 99 trabajadores mal pagos en Massachusetts y Nuevo Hampshire

CONCORD, NH - Un tribunal federal ha aprobado un fallo por consentimiento que obliga al propietario y operador de tres restaurantes en Nuevo Hampshire y Massachusetts, con sede principal en Concord, Nuevo Hampshire a pagar $911,568 en salarios atrasados y daños y perjuicios a 99 empleados tras una investigación del Departamento de Trabajo de EE. UU. sobre sus prácticas de pago.

March 28, 2023

US Department of Labor finds Salt Lake City restaurant supply company illegally employed 22 minor-aged workers beyond hours allowed

SALT LAKE CITY – A federal investigation has found a Salt Lake City restaurant supply company allowed 22 employees – ages 14 and 15 – to work as many as 46 hours per workweek, and to begin work after midnight – both illegal practices under child labor laws. 

March 27, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $259K from South Carolina manufacturer who denied 939 workers legally earned overtime


Jadex Inc., 1303 S. Batesville Road, Greer, SC 29650

Alltrista Plastics LLC, 1303 S. Batesville Road, Greer, SC 29650     

 ArtaZn LLC, 2500 Old Stage Road, Tusculum, TN 37745

LifeMade Products LLC, 1303 S. Batesville Road, Greer, SC 29650

March 27, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $67K for employee illegally terminated for exercising rights to bond with newborn child, care for spouse

COVINGTON, GA – A Covington distribution center turned an employee and their family’s joyous celebration of life and a chance to bond with their newborn into a nightmare by illegally terminating the worker for exercising their rights under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act, an investigation has found.

March 27, 2023


ST. THOMAS, VI - El Departamento de Trabajo ha obtenido una sentencia por consentimiento que requiere que cuatro supermercados de las Islas Vírgenes de EE. UU. y su propietario y ex administrador paguen a 33 trabajadores (incluidos los conserjes, guardias de seguridad y personal de reposición) $240,000 en salarios atrasados más daños y perjuicios después de que una investigación de la División de Horas y Salarios del departamento descubriera que el empleador les negaba los salarios por horas extras.

March 27, 2023

Department of Labor obtains consent order, US Virgin Islands supermarket chain must pay $240K in back wages, damages to 33 underpaid workers

ST. THOMAS, VI – The U.S. Department of Labor has obtained a consent judgment that requires four U.S. Virgin Islands supermarkets, and their owner and former operations manager to pay 33 workers – including janitors, security guards and stock people – $240,000 in back wages and liquidated damages after an investigation by the department’s Wage and Hour Division found the employer denied them overtime wages.

March 23, 2023

Pesos on the dollar: US Department of Labor recovers $465K in back wages, damages from Carlsbad manufacturer who underpaid Mexican workers

CARLSBAD, CA – A federal investigation has recovered $465,993 in back wages and liquidated damages for 44 employees of a California medical injection molding manufacturer who denied them their legally earned wages, including overtime, by incorrectly classifying many as trainees.

March 23, 2023

US Department of Labor finds Hidalgo County wrongly denied full bonuses to workers who used legally protected Family and Medical Leave

Employer name:                   Hidalgo County

Investigation site:                Hidalgo County Head Start Program

                                                       1901 W. State Hwy 107

March 23, 2023

Department of Labor finds Tennessee McDonald’s franchisee endangered minor who suffered deep fryer burn, assesses $3K civil penalty

MORRISTOWN, TN – A U.S. Department of Labor child labor investigation has found that the operator of a McDonald’s franchise location in Morristown assigned a 15-year-old employee – who suffered hot oil burns while using a deep fryer – to perform tasks considered hazardous for young workers.

March 23, 2023

US Department of Labor sues Kansas restaurants, owner to recover $771K in minimum wage and overtime back wages, damages for 75 employees

KANSAS CITY, KS – The U.S. Department of Labor has filed suit against the owner of two Kansas restaurants who allegedly denied minimum and overtime wages to kitchen staff, servers, hosts and food runners after some worked as many as 66 hours per week.

March 23, 2023

Federal court order aids Department of Labor recovery of $265K in back wages for 182 employees of Milford drywall contractor

Date of Action:          March 13, 2023

Type of Action:         Fair Labor Standards Act consent order and judgment

Company/Owners:    GEM Interiors Inc., Milford, Ohio

March 22, 2023

Unfit wages: US Department of Labor survey finds widespread violations by Southern California garment industry contractors, manufacturers

LOS ANGELES – A survey of Southern California garment-sewing contractors and manufacturers by the U.S. Department of Labor has found workers making garments sold by many of the nation’s leading fashion retailers often continue to be victims of wage theft and employers’ illegal pay practices.

March 22, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $46K in back wages for Indiana construction workers on federal projects

Employer:  Force Construction Company Inc., Columbus, Indiana

Investigation findings:  U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division investigators recovered $46,125 in back wages for 35 employees after evaluating the company’s pay practices on 10 government contracts.

March 21, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $82K for 23 restaurant workers after Tennessee employer’s pay practices denied overtime wages

Employer:  Ameritalia LLC, operating as Coco’s Italian Market and Restaurants                                                           

March 20, 2023

Department of Labor seeks court order to stop Brooklyn staffing agency from demanding employees stay 3 years or repay wages

NEW YORK – The U.S. Department of Labor has filed suit asking a federal court to stop a Brooklyn, New York, healthcare staffing provider from allegedly making employees sign contracts that would force them to work for the company for three years or repay rightfully earned wages.

March 20, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $633K in back wages for 84 workers for violations by District of Columbia development site’s subcontractors

WASHINGTON The U.S. Department of Labor has recovered $633,029 in back wages for 84 workers denied their full wages and benefits by subcontractors involved in construction of an affordable housing development funded by the District of Columbia.