August 9, 2021

Tribunal dictamina que contratistas de Massachusetts paguen $100,000 por daños a empleado tras investigación del Departamento de Trabajo de EE. UU. que detectó represalias ilegales

BOSTON – Un empleado que trabajaba para dos contratistas de construcción de Massachusetts estaba ejerciendo sus derechos cuando se quejó ante su supervisor por no recibir el pago de horas extra y solicitó el salario que le correspondía. Las dos compañías respondieron con una campaña de represalias, presionando al trabajador a retirar su reclamación por el pago de las horas extra.

August 9, 2021

US Department of Labor, Minnesota departments of Labor, Health present webinars about required breastfeeding accommodations in the workplace

MINNEAPOLIS –As more working mothers return to the workplace, federal and state agencies are coming together in August to underscore how accommodations for breastfeeding mothers can aid them in that return, in pursing their careers, and in bolstering the workforce.

August 9, 2021

Court orders Massachusetts contractors to pay $100K in damages to employee after US Department of Labor investigation finds illegal retaliation

BOSTON – An employee who worked for two Massachusetts construction contractors was within his rights when he complained to his supervisor about not receiving overtime pay and requested the wages he was due. The two companies responded with a campaign of retaliation, pressuring the worker to withdraw his overtime complaint. They convinced other individuals to follow and threaten the worker’s family, and told other employees they might lose their jobs because the worker requested overtime pay that was legally due.

August 9, 2021

O tribunal ordena que empreiteiros de Massachusetts paguem US$ 100.000 em danos a funcionário após investigação do Departamento do Trabalho dos EUA descobrir retaliação ilegal

BOSTON – Um funcionário que trabalhava para duas empreiteiras de construção em Massachusetts estava dentro de seus direitos quando reclamou com seu supervisor sobre o não recebimento de horas extras e solicitou ser pago como devido. As duas empresas responderam com uma campanha de retaliação, pressionando o trabalhador a retirar a reclamação de horas extras.

August 6, 2021

Court enters consent order that Canton, Massachusetts companies pay $310K in back wages, damages to 19 employees denied overtime

BOSTON – The U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts has entered a consent order that three Canton construction businesses and their president, Charles L. Capone, pay a total of $310,000 – $155,000 in back wages and an equal amount in liquidated damages – to 19 employees following an investigation and litigation by the U.S. Department of Labor.

August 5, 2021

Court orders Minnesota provider to pay $483K in back wages, damages to 87 home healthcare employees denied overtime pay

GOLDEN VALLEY, MN Low-wage workers often do much of the essential work in our communities, and women, immigrants and people of color often hold those jobs. The healthcare industry employs many of the nation’s low-wage workers, which underscores the importance of a federal court action and a U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division investigation related to a Golden Valley home healthcare provider.

August 5, 2021

Central California restaurant operator to pay $200K in back wages to 49 workers following US Department of Labor investigation

SHAFTER, CA – U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division investigators found that while employees at four Central California restaurants worked hard to ensure customers enjoyed their experience, their employer failed to ensure they received all the wages they had legally earned.

August 4, 2021

US Department of Labor finds Mount Dora, Orange City restaurants used servers’ tips to pay back-of-house workers illegally

MOUNT DORA, FL – Diners at Fiesta Grande Mexican Grill locations in Mount Dora and Orange City never knew that the restaurants’ operator was sharing tips intended for servers with cooks in violation of federal laws regulating the use of money in tip pools.

August 4, 2021

North Carolina farm labor contractor violates recruiting, pay, migrant housing laws at Delaware melon picking, packing sites

PHILADELPHIA – A North Carolina farm labor contractor that hired temporary workers to pick and pack melons in southern Delaware violated federal law when it employed them in jobs not listed in its application to hire foreign guest workers, failed to provide required kitchen facilities or meals, paid insufficient wages and housed workers in overcrowded living quarters, the U.S.

August 3, 2021

US Department of Labor recovers $70K in back wages for 71 security guards after investigation at Central New Mexico Community College

ALBUQUERQUE, NM – Employers may request that workers arrive before their shifts begin for briefings but workers must be paid for that time, a lesson that a New Mexico community college learned after a U.S. Department of Labor investigation.

August 3, 2021

US Department of Labor recovers $284K in back wages after investigation finds Albuquerque restaurant underpaid tipped workers

ALBUQUERQUE, NM –The U.S. Department of Labor has recovered $284,219 in back wages for 163 employees of Pappas Restaurants Inc. after an investigation found violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act’s minimum wage and overtime requirements.

July 29, 2021

US Department of Labor announces final rule to rescind March 2020 joint employer rule, ensure more workers minimum wage, overtime protections

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a final rule to rescind an earlier rule, “Joint Employer Status under the Fair Labor Standards Act,” that took effect in March 2020.

July 22, 2021

US Department of Labor to offer virtual seminars in August to help employers, workers, stakeholders with prevailing wage requirements

WASHINGTON, DC – To help employers, workers and others stakeholders understand federal standards for prevailing wages on federally funded construction and service contracts, the U.S. Department of Labor is offering virtual compliance seminars in August for contracting agencies, contractors, unions, workers and other stakeholders.

July 22, 2021

US Department of Labor recovers $57K in back wages for 15 workers of Brookhaven restaurant after finding minimum wage violations

BROOKHAVEN, MS A Brookhaven restaurant failed to maintain records proving tipped employees earned at least the required $7.25 federal minimum wage and committed other violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division has found.

July 21, 2021

US Department of Labor investigation finds Bucks County contractor employed 5 minors illegally, failed to pay overtime

WARRINGTON, PA – In the construction industry, falls are among the leading causes of injuries and fatalities. The risks faced by roofing workers are even greater given how they spend much of their workdays, and why federal law prohibits roofing as a hazardous occupation for workers under the age of 18.

July 20, 2021

El Departamento de Trabajo de EE. UU. determinó que el franquiciado en Houston de Denny’s no pagó el salario mínimo, el sobretiempo, realizó deducciones ilegales por uniformes

HOUSTON  – A medida que los niveles de personas vacunadas aumentan y la temperatura sube en los Estados Unidos, más estadounidenses están volviendo a cenar afuera. La industria de los restaurantes cambió mucho desde 2020, pero algunas cosas no cambiaron. Los camareros permanecen entre los trabajadores peor pagados y brindan un buen servicio con la esperanza de ganar buenas propinas para llegar a fin de mes. Dependen de que se les pague todos sus salarios duramente ganados.

July 20, 2021

US Department of Labor finds Houston Denny’s franchisee failed to pay minimum wage, overtime; made illegal deductions for uniforms

HOUSTON – As vaccination levels rise and weather warms in the U.S., more Americans have returned to dining out. Much has changed in the restaurant industry since 2020, but a few things have not. Servers remain among the lowest-paid workers, and provide good service in the hope of earning good tips to make ends meet. They depend upon getting paid all of their hard-earned wages.