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News Brief

U.S. Labor Department finds federal contractor misclassified 151 workers as independent contractors

Employees due more than $135K in back wages

Employer name: Pegasso Construction & Floor Covering LLC

Investigation site: Office at 1746 Hazel Wood Drive, Marietta, Ga., 30067 and various jobsites including Ft. Gordon army base in Augusta, Ga.

Investigation findings: Investigators from the department's Wage and Hour Division found that Pegasso misclassified all of its workers as independent contractors. This unlawful practice resulted in violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act. The employer paid many of these workers on a weekly salary basis without regard for the number of hours worked. In some cases this salary, when divided by the number of hours worked, was not sufficient to meet the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. The contractor also failed to pay legally required overtime when these employees worked beyond forty hours in a workweek. As a result of these violations of the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the FLSA, Pegasso owes 151 employees back wages of $135,819. The firm also violated the DBRA and CWHSSA, which apply to the federally financed work done at Fort Gordon, by not accurately completing the required certified payrolls and by failing to pay overtime to one worker.

Resolution: Pegasso has agreed to future compliance with DBRA, CWHSSA and the FLSA and to pay the back wages. The employer has also put all workers on his payroll and will properly classify them as employees.

Quote: "Misclassification of employees as independent contractors cheats workers of wages and benefits to which they would otherwise be entitled to under the law, subsequently hurting our economy. It also leads to unfair competition because businesses that play by the rules operate at a disadvantage to those that don't. We will continue to work to ensure that workers receive the wages they have rightfully earned."

— Eric Williams, Wage and Hour Division Atlanta District Office Director

Wage and Hour Division
July 15, 2015
Release Number
Media Contact: Lindsay Williams
Phone Number
Media Contact: Michael D'Aquino