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News Release

US Labor Department obtains orders requiring New Jersey farm, owners, crew leader to pay more than $28,000 in fines for child labor, migrant worker violations

Farm takes proactive steps to address cited issues

HAMMONTON, N.J. — In two separate actions, administrative law judges have ordered Columbia Fruit Farms Inc., its owners Anthony DiMeo and William DiMeo, and crew leader Sorel Rinvil to pay $28,449 plus interest in civil money penalties to resolve violations found during investigations conducted by the U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division dating back to 2008.

The division investigated the Hammonton blueberry farm as part of its annual inspection of migrant farms in 2008, 2009 and 2010, and cited violations of the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act, including the farm's failure to post housing conditions and ensure housing safety and health, use of an unregistered crew leader, overcrowding, failure to provide safe transport, failure to ensure drivers were licensed and failure to register employees. The farm also was cited for employing individuals under the age of 12 and not maintaining a record of these minor employees, which is required under the Fair Labor Standards Act, as well as failing to meet field sanitation requirements under the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

An order approving settlement was signed on Jan. 20, 2011, by Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Administrative Law Judge Covette Rooney. The matter before the commission was prompted by a Wage and Hour Division investigation under the field sanitation standards of the OSH Act. A second order was signed by Department of Labor Chief Administrative Law Judge Stephen L. Purcell on May 20, 2011, also after investigation and findings of violation by the Wage and Hour Division. Under the orders, in addition to paying the civil money penalties, Anthony and William DiMeo have agreed to ensure that any facility or real-property they own or control that is used as housing for migrant agricultural workers complies with federal and state safety and health standards applicable to that housing; ensure that facilities they own or control which are used as housing for migrant and seasonal agricultural workers are certified by state or local authority as meeting applicable safety and health standards and have a certificate of occupancy; and ensure that vehicles used to transport migrant or seasonal agricultural workers comply with federally mandated motor safety standards. In addition, they must ensure that farm labor contractors or any other people who drive vehicles used to transport migrant and seasonal agricultural workers have a valid and appropriate state-issued driver's license; that each vehicle used to transport migrant and seasonal agricultural workers has an insurance policy; and that any farm labor contractor or employee of a farm labor contractor is registered.

Rinvil, a farm labor contractor who led a crew of farm workers for Columbia Farms, has agreed that he will not perform any farm labor contracting activity without first obtaining a certificate or registration from the U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division or perform any farm labor contracting activity that is not authorized by the certificate of registration.

"This precedent-setting agreement will go a long way in protecting the interests of workers employed by this farm, as well as others in the industry," said Patrick Reilly, director of the division's Southern New Jersey District Office. "The Labor Department is committed to using all legal options to ensure that violators of federal laws are held accountable."

In working with the Wage and Hour Division, in an effort to address the violations, Columbia Fruit Farms has taken several steps to ensure full compliance with MSPA. The farm has constructed five new buildings for migrant housing and purchased an additional farm with housing facilities, bringing the total number of housing units to 400 occupants. Also, as part of a three-year plan that began in 2007, the farm constructed new bathroom and kitchen facilities, adding 28 showers, 48 washtubs and a new kitchen at one of the camp sites. Lockers were installed at all facilities in direct response to a deficiency noted in the Wage and Hour Division's inspection.

The Wage and Hour Division enforces worker protection laws that include the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Migrant and Seasonal Worker Protection Act, and the Occupational Safety and Health Act's field sanitation and temporary labor camp provisions. The FLSA sets standards for minimum wage, overtime compensation and child labor. The law allows, with restrictions, the employment of individuals between ages 12 and 16 as farmworkers. There are no restrictions on workers age 16 and older employed in farm jobs. The FLSA prohibits the employment of most individuals under age 16 in hazardous occupations. Youths of any age may work at any time and perform any job on a farm owned or operated by their parents. Otherwise, individuals under age 12 may not be employed in farm activities.

The investigations were conducted by the Wage and Hour Division's Southern New Jersey District Office. Information on federal laws concerning migrant and seasonal agricultural workers, as well as child labor, is available by calling the Department of Labor's toll-free helpline at 866-4US-WAGE (487-9243) or on the Internet at The case was litigated by the Labor Department's New York Regional Office of the Solicitor.

Wage and Hour Division
June 8, 2011
Release Number
Media Contact: Leni Fortson
Media Contact: Joanna Hawkins