August 2, 2021

US Department of Labor initiative seeks to protect Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana workers from confined space dangers

DALLAS ‒ A worker cleaning the inside of a tank trailer in Pasadena in December 2019 fell victim to hazardous vapors, as did a co-worker who attempted rescue. Months later, in August 2020, two cleaning workers entered a natural gas tanker on a railcar in Hugo, Oklahoma and fell victim to its vapors. Four lives were lost in the tank cleaning industry in less than a year – and part of a troubling trend of preventable workplace deaths in the region.

August 2, 2021

Iniciativa del Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. busca proteger a trabajadores de Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana contra peligros de espacios confinados

DALLAS ‒ Un trabajador que limpiaba el interior de un remolque tanque en Pasadena en diciembre de 2019 fue víctima de vapores peligrosos, al igual que el compañero que intentó rescatarlo. Meses más tarde, en agosto de 2020, dos limpiadores que entraron en una cisterna de gas natural de un vagón de ferrocarril en Hugo, Oklahoma, también fueron víctimas de los vapores.

August 2, 2021

US Department of Labor initiative seeks to protect Midwest workers in tank cleaning industry from atmospheric, confined space hazards

CHICAGO ‒ An Ohio worker tasked with cleaning a chemical tanker trailer collapsed upon entering the tank. Answering the employee’s call for help, a nearby truck driver entered the tank. Both workers succumbed to fatal toxic fumes.

July 29, 2021

Follow-up safety inspection at site of 2019 workplace fatality finds Greenville recycling center continues to put workers at risk

GREENVILLE, GA – The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has again cited a Greenville recycling company, where a 44-year-old welder employed by a contractor in the facility suffered fatal injuries in 2019 amid safety violations.

July 29, 2021

OSHA finds Ohio contractor exposing residential construction roofers to deadly fall hazards for 6th time in 3 years

MEDINA, OH – The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has cited a Millersburg contractor – with a history of not cooperating with federal safety inspectors – for exposing workers to deadly fall hazards for the sixth time in three years– while fall protection equipment remained unused at a Medina residential work site.

July 28, 2021

US Department of Labor seeks information on updating OSHA’s mechanical power presses standard

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has published a Request for Information seeking information and public input as the agency considers updates to its mechanical power presses standard.

July 28, 2021

US Department of Labor reminds Pacific Northwest employers to protect workers from the dangers of wildfires, smoke

SEATTLE More than 40 reported large fires in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington have consumed tens of thousands of acres and released significant amounts of smoke in the atmosphere, leading the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration to remind employers to protect employees working in areas where wildfires could spark or where smoke may be a concern.

July 27, 2021

US Department of Labor, Shipbuilders Council of America alliance seeks to promote safe, healthful workplaces in Mid-Atlantic shipyard industry

PHILADELPHIA – The U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Shipbuilders Council of America and its associate members have signed a two-year alliance to protect shipbuilding workers in the Mid-Atlantic region from workplace safety and health hazards. 

The alliance will:

July 27, 2021

US Department of Labor, Chippewa Valley Technical College reaffirm commitment to train Chippewa Valley workers on job hazards

EAU CLAIRE, WI – The success of the partnership between the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration and Chippewa Valley Technical College has led OSHA to reaffirm its commitment to training employers and workers on workplace safety, and in recognizing the college by elevating CVTC to Ambassador Alliance status.

July 27, 2021

US Department of Labor investigation of severe injury finds Trenton metal manufacturer exposed workers to dangerous machine hazards

TRENTON, FL – On just his third week working for a Trenton manufacturer, a 21-year-old machine operator’s life changed forever. On Feb. 1, 2021, the operator suffered a partial hand amputation because the company allowed protective guards to be removed from a machine that cuts sheet metal for the roofing industry.

July 23, 2021

US Department of Labor cites Foundation Food Group Inc., three other companies after Jan. 28 investigation finds six deaths were preventable

GAINESVILLE, GA – On Jan. 28, 2021, six workers went to work at a Gainesville poultry processing facility unaware that they would not return home. Just after their shift began, a freezer at the plant malfunctioned, releasing colorless, odorless liquid nitrogen into the plant’s air, displacing the oxygen in the room.

July 23, 2021

El Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. cita a Foundation Food Group Inc., otras tres compañías después de que una investigación del 28 de enero encuentra que seis muertes eran prevenibles

GAINESVILLE, GA –En el 28 de enero de 2021, seis trabajadores fueron a trabajar a una planta de procesamiento de aves de Gainesville sin saber que no regresarían a casa. Justo después de que comenzara su turno, un congelador de la planta funcionó mal, liberando nitrógeno líquido sin color e olor en el aire de la planta, desplazando el oxígeno en la habitación.

July 22, 2021

US Department of Labor cites Mobile dredging equipment manufacturer after investigation into 22-year-old worker’s death

MOBILE, AL – On Jan. 27, a 22-year-old apprentice atop a crane bridge 30 feet in the air suffered fatal injuries when he became caught in a crane trolley’s drive shaft, a tragedy that federal inspectors say could have been prevented.                      

July 20, 2021

Bergen County roofing contractor violates agreement to protect its workers, faces more than $600K in penalties

HASBROUCK HEIGHTS, NJ – A Bergen County contractor who agreed to make safety improvements after federal safety inspections in 2019 identified nine violations with proposed penalties of $121,687 has instead violated its settlement agreement with the U.S. Department of Labor. Following inspections in 2020 and 2021, the company now faces $600,741 in penalties for 10 more violations.

July 19, 2021

Federal inspection finds El Paso metal stamping manufacturer willfully exposed workers to amputation dangers; worker suffers severe injury

EL PASO, TX – An El Paso metal stamping manufacturer with a history of workplace safety violations failed again to protect its workers from the dangers of moving machine parts. As a result, a worker suffered the amputation of two fingers inside a 500-ton hydraulic press.  

July 19, 2021

US Department of Labor cites three employers for exposing workers, residents to asbestos at Missouri residential care facility

MONETT, MO – Three employers at a Missouri residential nursing facility exposed workers and residents to asbestos hazards and failed to ensure safe removal of the known carcinogen during a flooring replacement project, a federal workplace safety inspection alleges.

July 16, 2021

Federal court orders Chicago-area company to pay whistleblower $95K in back wages after US Department of Labor investigation

NORTHBROOK, IL – A federal court has approved the settlement of a U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration whistleblower investigation that determined a Northbrook waste management company violated federal law when it retaliated against a former truck driver who reported a workplace injury and raised concerns to the company that an unrepaired truck was unsafe to operate.

July 15, 2021

Colorado court sentences Avon construction company owner to jail, orders restitution for family of worker killed in Granby trench collapse

AVON, CO – A Colorado state court has sentenced the owner of an Avon construction company to jail and ordered restitution for the family of a 50-year-old company worker who suffered fatal injuries in a preventable trench collapse at a Granby work site in June 2018.

July 15, 2021

US Department of Labor reminds Pacific Northwest employers to protect workers from the dangers of heat illness

SEATTLE – As temperatures rise in Washington, Oregon and Idaho, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration reminds employers to protect their employees when they work in hot weather.

OSHA’s message is simple: Water. Rest. Shade. To protect their employees, employers should:

July 15, 2021

Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. recuerda a los empleadores del Pacífico Noroeste que protejan a los trabajadores contra los peligros del calor

SEATTLE – Con la subida de las temperaturas en Washington, Oregón y Idaho, la Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional del Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. recuerda a los empleadores que protejan a sus trabajadores expuestos a temperaturas de calor extremo.

El mensaje de OSHA es básico: Agua. Descanso. Sombra. Para proteger a sus trabajadores, los empleadores deben: