February 2, 2023

US Department of Labor finds three employers’ safety failures contributed to 31-year-old laborer’s fatal fall at Tallahassee work site in August 2022

TALLAHASSEE, FL – Three construction contractors might have prevented the death of a 31-year-old laborer who suffered fatal injuries after falling while installing roof trusses at a Tallahassee work site on Aug. 17, 2022, a federal workplace safety investigation has found.

February 1, 2023

US Department of Labor finds Amazon exposed workers to unsafe conditions, ergonomic hazards at three more warehouses in Colorado, Idaho, New York

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced that its Occupational Safety and Health Administration has issued citations at three more Amazon warehouses – in Aurora, Colorado; Nampa, Idaho; and Castleton, New York – for failing to keep workers safe and delivered hazard alert letters for exposing workers to ergonomic hazards.

February 1, 2023

Las fallas de seguridad de un contratista de Connecticut resultaron mortales cuando el derrumbe de una zanja enterró a un trabajador en Vernon

HARTFORD, CT – Una investigación federal descubrió que las fallas de un contratista de Manchester de no facilitar las protecciones y medidas requeridas para evitar derrumbes de zanjas contribuyó a la muerte de un trabajador el 22 de julio de 2022, quien quedó enterrado por el colapso de una zanja de 8 pies de profundidad.

January 31, 2023

Federal investigation into fatal 2022 electrocution in Kansas City finds Midwest engineering services company again failed to protect workers

KANSAS CITY, MO ‒ A fourth-year apprentice heating, ventilation and air conditioning technician employed by U.S. Engineering Services suffered fatal electrocution after coming in contact with energized parts while repairing HVAC equipment on Aug. 24, 2022, at University Academy, a college prep charter school in Kansas City, Missouri.

January 30, 2023

Connecticut contractor’s failure to address hazards turns deadly when trench collapse buried worker at Vernon job site

HARTFORD, CT – A federal investigation has found a Manchester contractor’s failure to provide legally required safeguards and make sure they were in place to prevent trench collapses contributed to the July 22, 2022, death of an employee buried when an 8-foot-deep trench caved in.

January 26, 2023

Gainesville psychiatric hospital implements safety measures after federal investigation into series of staff injuries after violent incidents with patients

GAINESVILLE, FL – A Gainesville psychiatric and substance abuse hospital has implemented a series of changes to their safety protocols after the U.S. Department of Labor cited the facility for failing to protect employees from workplace violence after a series of incidents left employees with serious injuries.

January 26, 2023

Penalties mount: Fined more than $15M since 2017, familiar Dollar General safety failures in 3 inspections in Florida, Alabama, add $387K more

ATLANTA – Just weeks after being cited with federal safety violations, Dollar General Corp. and Dolgencorp LLC have once again exposed workers to unsafe conditions, this time at two store locations in Florida and another in Alabama.

January 26, 2023

Federal investigators find employee suffered fatal injuries while duct tape held machine safety guards open at Kingsman plastics plant

KINGMAN, KS ‒ A Kingman plastics manufacturer’s failure to make sure required safety procedures were followed contributed to the death of a worker who suffered fatal injuries when he became entangled in a rotating part inside a bagging machine while trying to clear a jam, a federal workplace safety investigation found.

January 26, 2023

CORRECTED: Facing manslaughter charge in worker’s 2021 trench collapse death, Colorado contractor who willfully ignored law surrenders to police

BRECKENRIDGE, CO – The owner of a Vail construction company facing a felony manslaughter charge has surrendered to local law enforcement after the Summit County Judge Edward J. Casias issued an arrest warrant on Jan. 23, 2023, related to the findings of a federal safety investigation into a deadly trench collapse in November 2021.

January 25, 2023

Department of Labor cites US Postal Service with 16 violations for endangering workers at 3 Tennessee facilities, proposes $350K in penalties

NASHVILLE, TN – The U.S. Department of Labor has found the U.S. Postal Service exposed workers to struck-by, electrical, crushing, fire and other health hazards at facilities in Columbia, Knoxville and Nashville.

January 25, 2023

Mezcla mortal: Investigaciones de seguridad laboral revelan graves heridas, muerte por explosiones de vapor en dos empresas de Ohio

WATERFORD, OH – Con entrenamiento adecuado, personas que trabajan en instalaciones de fundición de metales saben que mezclar agua y material fundido puede ser un grave error, cuando no mortal, como pudo comprobarse en trágicos incidentes ocurridos en dos empresas de Ohio en 2022.

January 25, 2023

Deadly mix: Federal workplace safety investigations find severe injuries, fatality caused by steam explosions at 2 Ohio companies

WATERFORD, OH ‒ With proper training, people working in metal casting facilities know that mixing water and molten material can be a serious, if not deadly mistake, as tragic incidents at two Ohio companies in 2022 showed.

January 25, 2023

US Department of Labor, Drywall and Acoustical Tile Contractors Association renew alliance to promote workplace safety

Participants:      U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational

                                  Safety and Health Administration

                                  Drywall and Acoustical Tile Contractors  

January 24, 2023

In federal court, Alabama plastics manufacturer pleads guilty to willful safety regulation violation found in 2017 OSHA investigation into worker’s death

BIRMINGHAM, AL – An Alabama plastics manufacturing company has pleaded guilty to a willful violation of workplace safety requirements as part of an agreement filed in federal court spurred initially by a U.S. Department of Labor investigation into a 45-year-old worker’s death in Helena in August 2017.

The U.S. Department of Justice’s Environmental Crimes Section and the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Northern District of Alabama prosecuted the case.

January 24, 2023

Fabricante de plásticos se declara culpable de violación deliberada de requisitos de seguridad de OSHA tras la muerte de una trabajadora en 2017

BIRMINGHAM, AL – Una empresa fabricante de plásticos se declaró culpable en una corte federal de Alabama de haber violado deliberadamente requisitos de seguridad ocupacional en el caso de la muerte de una trabajadora de 45 años en Helena en agosto del 2017 que investigó el Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU.

La Sección de Crímenes Ambientales del Departamento de Justicia de EE.UU. y la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito Norte de Alabama procesaron el caso.

January 24, 2023

Investigation into 41-year-old driver’s death finds two delivery services companies failed to protect workers transporting dry ice in Alabama

BIRMINGHAM, AL – In the summer of 2022, onlookers noticed a delivery truck stopped at about 8:15 a.m. one Wednesday morning on the University of Birmingham campus near what would have been the driver’s first drop-off. About two hours later, a passerby saw the driver slumped over and unresponsive.