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News Brief

OSHA renews alliance to promote safety for Oklahoma’s oil, gas workers

Participants: U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(Oklahoma City area office) Mid Continent Exploration and Production Safety Network

(From L to R) Oklahoma’s Commissioner of Labor
Melissa McLawhorn-Houston, OSHA Oklahoma City
Area Director David Bates and Mid Continent Exploration
and Production Safety Network President Kevin Ediger
renew their alliance to protect the safety and health of
the region’s oil and gas industry workers.

Alliance description: OSHA and MCEPS renewed their alliance committing to provide information and guidance, and access to training resources and materials. The alliance’s goal is to improve the safety and health of oil and gas industry workers in the region. The partnership will continue to promote outreach and communication, participate in joint training events and raise awareness of OSHA’s rulemaking and enforcement initiatives.

Duration: Three-year term.

Quote: “This renewed agreement will continue to enhance advances in safety and health in the oil and gas industry, while positively promoting safety training and education. By doing so, it will ultimately result in a more safe and healthful work environment for all workers,” said Kelly Knighton, OSHA’s regional administrator for the Dallas region.

Information: Through its Alliance Program, OSHA works with businesses, trade associations, unions, consulates, professional organizations, faith and community-based organizations, and educational institutions to prevent workplace fatalities, injuries and illnesses. For more information on OSHA partnerships and alliances, please call OSHA’s toll-free hotline 800-321-OSHA (6742) or the Dallas Regional Office at 972-850-4145.

Occupational Safety & Health Administration
May 26, 2017
Release Number
Media Contact: Chauntra Rideaux
Media Contact: Juan Rodriguez