December 11, 2019

U.S. Department of Labor Announces $1 Million Competition To Better Connect Transitioning Service Members and Employers

WASHINGTON, DC – During the National Council for the American Worker meeting held today at the White House, U.S. Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia announced a Veterans’ Employment Challenge competition aimed at developing a new tool to help transitioning service members of the military in their job searches.

December 10, 2019

Statement by U.S. Secretary of Labor Scalia on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia issued the following statement regarding the United States-Mexico-Canada agreement:

December 6, 2019

Statement by Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia on National Miners Day

"Today, on National Miners Day, we join our fellow Americans in recognizing the hundreds of thousands of men and women who perform painstaking work in more than 13,000 mines across the country. Every day, miners secure the raw coal, metal and non-metal materials that help power and build our nation.

At the Department of Labor, through the Mine Safety and Health Administration, we honor miners every day by working to protect their health and safety and to ensure they can return to their loved ones at the end of the workday."

December 6, 2019

Statement by U.S. Secretary of Labor Scalia on the November Jobs Report

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia issued the following statement on the November 2019 Employment Situation report:

"The November jobs report vastly outpaced predictions, with 266,000 jobs created. With 41,000 jobs in upward revisions for September and October, 6.6 million total jobs have been created since January 2017.

"The unemployment rate of 3.5% matched the September 2019 rate, a level that has not been achieved since 1969. November 2019 marks the 21st consecutive month in which the unemployment rate has been at or below 4%.

November 25, 2019

U.S. Secretary of Labor Scalia and Michigan Congressman Walberg Discuss Workforce Development and Career Education

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia and Congressman Tim Walberg toured Classic Turning Inc. in Jackson, Michigan. Secretary Scalia and Congressman Walberg underscored the robust economic expansion many communities are experiencing.

November 15, 2019

U.S. Department of Labor Joins Departments of Health and Human Services and Treasury to Improve Price and Quality Transparency in Healthcare

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia issued the following statement regarding the Administration's latest Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), aimed at increasing price transparency in healthcare through a combined effort of the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Treasury:

November 13, 2019

U.S. Secretary of Labor Visits Phelps ACE High School Career Fair During National Apprenticeship Week

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia visited Phelps ACE High School’s career fair to meet with high school students as part of National Apprenticeship Week. The mentoring and networking career fair was sponsored by the DC Students Construction Trades Foundation, which sponsors accredited technical education for high school youth and registered apprenticeship instruction classes for industry workers.

November 11, 2019

U.S. Secretary of Labor Scalia Statement Regarding Veterans Day

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia today issued the following statement regarding Veterans Day:

“Every year on this day, Americans across the country put aside their daily activities to honor the sacrifice and bravery of our nation’s veterans. We at the Department of Labor join our fellow Americans in saluting the men and women of the armed forces for their defense of our cherished freedoms.

November 1, 2019

Statement by U.S. Secretary of Labor Scalia on the October Jobs Report

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia issued the following statement on the October 2019 Employment Situation report:

"Significantly exceeding expectations, the U.S. economy added 128,000 new jobs in October. An additional 95,000 jobs in upward revisions for August and September show a stronger labor market than previously reported.

October 30, 2019

U.S. Department of Labor Hosts National Disability Employment Awareness Month Event on Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia and Deputy Secretary of Labor Patrick Pizzella joined mental health advocates today at an event marking National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) at the U.S. Department of Labor’s headquarters in Washington, D.C.

October 18, 2019

U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia Visited Community Learning Center in Texas

WASHINGTON, DC U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia visited the Community Learning Center in Forest Hill, Texas, where more than 10,000 unemployed or underemployed workers have received training for high skill, family-sustaining careers in the aerospace and advanced manufacturing industries.

October 4, 2019

Statement by U.S. Secretary of Labor Scalia on the September Jobs Report

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia issued the following statement on the September 2019 Employment Situation report:

"In September, the unemployment rate dropped to a 50-year low at 3.5%. This was the nineteenth straight month that the unemployment rate has been at or below 4%.

September 30, 2019

Rachel Mondl Named Chief of Staff for the U.S. Department of Labor

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced Rachel Mondl as the new Chief of Staff.

“Rachel is an outstanding public servant with a tremendous dedication to helping America’s workers,” U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia said. “Rachel will play a key role in the Department’s efforts to help America’s workforce gain access to good, family-sustaining career opportunities.”

September 30, 2019

U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia Sworn into Office

WASHINGTON, DC – Following a White House swearing-in event today led by President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia released the following statement.

September 26, 2019

U.S. Department of Labor Inducts Senator Robert P. Griffin and Former NLRB Board Member Howard Jenkins Jr. into the Hall of Honor

WASHINGTON, DC – During a special ceremony today at the U.S. Department of Labor, Acting Secretary of Labor Patrick Pizzella spoke at the induction of Senator Robert P. Griffin and Former NLRB Board Member Howard Jenkins Jr. into the Department of Labor’s Hall of Honor and the 60th anniversary of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA).

September 25, 2019

Acting U.S. Secretary of Labor Announces Regulatory Reform Personnel Designations

WASHINGTON, DC – Acting U.S. Secretary of Labor Patrick Pizzella today announced the designation of Jonathan Wolfson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, as the Department’s Regulatory Reform Officer. The Regulatory Reform Officer has the responsibility to oversee implementation of the Department’s regulatory reform initiatives and policies, ensuring that these are carried out effectively and consistently with applicable law.

September 19, 2019

U.S. Department of Labor Announces Chief Data Officer, Data Board, and Chief Evaluation Officer

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor announced Scott Gibbons as Chief Data Officer to lead the Department's Data Board and Christina Yancey as Chief Evaluation Officer for the Department.

"A commitment to rigorous program evaluations and an improved digital infrastructure are two key components of the Department of Labor's future success," Acting U.S. Secretary of Labor Patrick Pizzella said.

September 17, 2019

U.S. Department of Labor Announces Fifth Annual National Apprenticeship Week

WASHINGTON, DC – Today the U.S. Department of Labor announced that the fifth annual National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) will be held from November 11-17, 2019.

Established by the U.S. Department of Labor, NAW is a nationwide celebration that brings together business leaders, labor, educational institutions, and Americans interested in apprenticeships to showcase the impact apprenticeship programs have on closing the U.S. skills gap and preparing the American workforce for the jobs of today and tomorrow.

September 6, 2019

Statement by Acting U.S. Secretary of Labor Pizzella on the August Jobs Report

WASHINGTON, DC – Acting U.S. Secretary of Labor Patrick Pizzella issued the following statement on the August 2019 Employment Situation report:

"America's economy continued to show strength in August. The 3.7% unemployment rate marks the eighteenth straight month the unemployment rate has been at or below 4%. Unemployment rates for African-Americans set a new record low at 5.5% and Hispanic-Americans matched a record low at 4.2%.

"Since January of 2017 more than 5.8 million jobs have been created including the 130,000 jobs created in August.

September 6, 2019

U.S. Department of Labor Announces Actions to Assist Americans Impacted By Hurricane Dorian

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced actions it is taking to assist Americans in states affected by Hurricane Dorian.

"The U.S. Department of Labor is actively engaged in Administration-wide efforts to help those impacted by Hurricane Dorian," said Acting U.S. Secretary of Labor Patrick Pizzella. "As Americans from across the country rally to help each other, the Department of Labor is committed to supporting recovery efforts."

U.S. Department of Labor actions taken regarding Hurricane Dorian include the following: