Please note: As of 01/20/2025, information in some news releases may be out of date or not reflect current policies.
News Release
Statement from Acting Secretary Julie Su on increased worker organizing
WASHINGTON – The National Labor Relations Board today announced that union election petitions more than doubled in fiscal year 2024 compared to FY 2021. Following the announcement, Acting Secretary Julie Su issued the following statement:
“The NLRB report that union representation petitions have more than doubled in this administration is a welcome sign of power tilting toward working people in this country and of workers finding their power.
“Workers are demanding their fair share more, and they are forming unions because they know they are stronger when they act collectively. And these demands did not come out of nowhere. For decades, workers have been left out, left behind and let down by the failed economic policies of the past.
“Now, these workers have been bolstered by the strongest labor market in living memory, with record-low unemployment, wages climbing and over 16 million jobs created under President Biden and Vice President Harris.
“It’s no accident that under the most pro-union, pro-worker administration, America’s workers are exercising their organizing rights, and have the leverage to demand what they’ve always deserved.”