Please note: As of January 20, 2021, information in some news releases may be out of date or not reflect current policies.

News Release

Statement by U.S. Secretary of Labor Scalia on the March Jobs Report

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia issued the following statement on the March 2020 Employment Situation report:

“Today’s report shows 701,000 fewer jobs, and the unemployment rate rising to 4.4%.

“This report reflects the initial impact on U.S. jobs of the public health measures being taken to contain the coronavirus. It should be noted the report’s surveys only reference the week and pay periods that include March 12; we know that our report next month will show more extensive job losses, based on the high number of state unemployment claims reported yesterday and the week before.

“The Trump Administration is taking thoughtful and deliberative actions to support workers and their families while they meet the challenges of this unprecedented health crisis. The legislation signed by President Trump in March provides historic financial support for America’s workers and employers, as well as incentives for businesses to keep their workers on payroll, which will help our economy spring back as soon as possible to the vibrant conditions we had just weeks ago. 

“America’s workers and their families are making purposeful sacrifices to help save lives. This Administration will continue its vigorous efforts to protect the health, safety, and security of the American people as we defeat the coronavirus.”

Office of the Secretary
April 3, 2020
Release Number
Media Contact: Department of Labor National Contact Center
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