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News Release

Statement by US Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez on César Chávez Day

WASHINGTON — U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez today issued the following statement in observance of César Chávez Day, which is Monday, March 31:

"Today, we celebrate one of the greatest Americans of the 20th century. César Chávez's passion for social justice and his devotion to improving the lives of working people remain an inspiration 87 years after his birth.

"A heroic and iconic labor leader, a gifted practitioner of the politics of protest and boycott, a man of towering strength and indescribable courage, one of our history's leading humanitarians and civil rights giants, César Chávez stirs a new generation of activists fighting for change today.

"As we move closer to fixing our broken immigration system, as we rise to the challenge of income inequality, as we protect the right to join a union, as we work to create opportunity for all, we draw strength from his vision and moral example.

"On César Chávez Day — and every day — we must continue to remind ourselves: ¡Sí Se Puede!"

Office of Public Affairs
March 28, 2014
Release Number
Media Contact: Jose Carnevali