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News Release

Statement by Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis on the retirement of Rep. Lynn Woolsey

WASHINGTON – Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis today issued the following statement regarding the retirement of Rep. Lynn Woolsey of California:

"Congresswoman Woolsey is the rarest kind of leader in Washington. She is someone who truly understands the struggles of ordinary Americans because she has lived them. From her own humble background as a former welfare recipient to a fearless champion of the underdog in the halls of Congress, Lynn has spent her career in public service advocating for those whose voices are rarely heard.

"Lynn never sought acclaim. She never needed to gratify her own ego. She never needed to see her name in the klieg lights. She just wanted to do what was right, decent and just. Whether making the case for vulnerable women, immigrant families, public education or working-class Americans, Lynn was always on the side of the angels.

"From my earliest days as a public servant in California to my time as labor secretary today, I have always drawn strength and inspiration from Lynn's example. I wish her a happy and well-deserved retirement. Her leadership in Congress will be sorely missed."

Office of Public Affairs
June 28, 2011
Release Number