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News Release

Statement by US Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis on International Womens Day 2010

WASHINGTON – Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis today issued the following statement on International Women's Day:

"As a product of the women's movement, the social justice movement and the civil rights movement, I have seen how far we have come in advancing the role of women in our country and around the globe. I also see how much further we have yet to go in supporting women and girls to ensure equality and opportunity in our workplaces, our schools and in our communities as a whole.

"Whether it is combating human trafficking, feeding the hungry, improving maternal health, eradicating extreme poverty or reaching out in a time of need to those affected by terrible natural disasters,we must stand together in addressing some of the world's most pressing needs. And that effort must include helping women receive equal rights and equal opportunities.

"History has always shown us that when women work together and advocate for a common purpose, we can ensure the well-being of our families, our country and the world. It is clear that our daughters can contribute just as much to society as our sons. Our shared prosperity will be advanced by allowing all humanity – irrespective of gender – to reach their full potential."

Office of Public Affairs
March 8, 2010
Release Number