News Release

Statement by Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health Williamson recognizing America’s mine workers on National Miners Day

WASHINGTON – Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health Christopher J. Williamson issued the following statement in recognition of Dec. 6, 2022, as National Miners Day:

“Each December, our nation marks National Miners Day to recognize the contributions and sacrifices of America’s miners. Our miners and their families deserve our gratitude for all they give – and have given – to strengthen our nation and our economy. Miners are an invaluable part of country’s workforce and are responsible for supplying the raw materials our country – and the world – depends on for so many basic needs. Every day, we at MSHA are focused on enforcing the nation’s mine safety and health laws and working together with labor, mine operators and government partners to ensure that miners return home to their families and communities safe and healthy when their shift is over.”

Mine Safety & Health Administration
December 6, 2022
Release Number
Media Contact: Victoria Godinez
Media Contact: Suzy Bonhert
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