News Release

US Department of Labor, Mexican government renew agreements to protect the rights of Mexican, Hispanic workers

WASHINGTON, DC U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh and Ambassador of Mexico to the United States Esteban Moctezuma led a ceremony today to renew collaboration agreements between the Government of Mexico and the Government of the United States, for the protection of the rights of Mexican workers in this country.

This event took place during the celebration of the 13th Labor Rights Week to increase awareness and inform the Mexican and Hispanic communities in the U.S. about workers’ most fundamental labor rights. LWR includes a series of events and activities undertaken by the consular network of Mexico in the U.S., in alliance with government agencies, civil society and other relevant actors.

The signing of these agreements included a joint declaration in which both governments expressed their intention to continue strengthening their cooperative relationships to promote a better understanding of U.S. labor laws and practices among Mexican workers and their employers. Likewise, agreements were renewed with the department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Wage and Hour Division, the National Relations Board Labor and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

During the ceremony, Ambassador Moctezuma highlighted that “providing legal certainty and protection to migrant workers is a top priority for President Lopez Obrador. Therefore, we are committed to consolidate long-lasting alliances with valuable partners to fight against abuses and illegal practices. We are deeply grateful for the renewal of these agreements today.”

“I think of all the Mexican and Mexican-American essential workers who have at great risk to themselves helped keep us safe, healthy and fed during the pandemic,” said U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh. ”Today we renew agreements that help ensure all workers in the United States have the right to full payment of wages and a safe place to work. We commit to making sure that Mexican workers know their rights and employers know their responsibilities under U.S. law.”

EEOC Chair Charlotte A. Burrows expressed that “today’s agreement with Mexico cements the EEOC’s commitment to ensure immigrant employees – regardless of their immigration status – understand that they are protected under our laws. They have the right to be treated fairly and free from discrimination at work. Allowing employment discrimination to persist lowers the bar for all.”

NLRB General Counsel Jennifer A. Abruzzo also participated in the event and agreed the signing of these agreements show the great will and commitments of both governments to protect the rights of migrant workers. Also in attendance were Acting Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health James Frederick and Acting Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division Jessica Looman.

The ceremony was held at the iconic Mexican Cultural Institute, which last June celebrated its 31st anniversary and in July celebrated its centennial hosting the missions of Mexico in the U.S. capital. The event was broadcast via social media and can be viewed on YouTube.

Read the joint agreement between the U.S. and Mexico.

Bureau of International Labor Affairs
September 2, 2021
Release Number
Media Contact: Christine Feroli
Media Contact: Arjun Singh
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