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News Release
US Department of Labor announces $1 million grant solicitation to increase workplace gender equality in Morocco
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of International Labor Affairs will award up to $1 million to one or more organizations to help build the capacity of civil society organizations, including non-governmental organizations and trade unions, in the Kingdom of Morocco to address working women's issues and empower women to more fully exercise their labor rights, the agency announced today.
In 2011, Moroccans approved a series of constitutional reforms that include a guarantee that women have civil and social equality with men. However, recognition of workplace gender equality and the empowerment of working women in the country's formal and informal labor sectors remain incomplete. Women face significant hurdles in their efforts to gain employment, earn wages and benefits equal to men, obtain equal opportunities for training, and gain promotions on the basis of merit.
A key goal of ILAB's funding is the improvement of representation of women and advocacy for women's labor rights and interests, through projects that include women's active participation and leadership. In addition, projects awarded funding will be expected to enhance service delivery to women on matters related to their labor rights and interests and to raise public awareness of women's labor rights. Projects will be funded for up to four years and six months.
Applications must be submitted by Oct. 4, 2013, at 5 p.m. EDT electronically or hard copy to the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Procurement Services, 200 Constitution Ave. NW, Room S-4307, Washington, D.C. 20210, Attention: Brenda White.
All cooperative agreement awards will be made by Nov. 26, 2013. The solicitation for grant applications (SCA 13-16) is available at and
The Bureau of International Labor Affairs leads the Department of Labor's efforts to ensure that workers around the world are treated fairly and are able to share in the benefits of the global economy. ILAB's global mission is to improve working conditions, raise living standards, protect workers' ability to exercise their rights, and address the workplace exploitation of children and other vulnerable populations.