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News Release

U.S. Department of Labors Sandra Polaski addresses Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Labor and Employment Ministerial in Paris

WASHINGTONU.S. Department of Labor Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs Sandra Polaski spoke at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Labor and Employment Ministerial taking place this week in Paris on the topic of "The Jobs Crisis: the Labor Market and Social Policy Response."

As the Labor Department's representative at the meeting of labor and workforce officials from the 30 member countries of the OECD, Polaski also has been involved in discussions about re-employment policies targeted at groups of job seekers and designing labor-market policies to help at-risk youth.

The OECD meeting offers a chance for government officials to compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practices, and coordinate domestic and international policies. OECD membership covers approximately 1 billion people and more than half of the world's economy.

"The economic crisis has taken a heavy toll on the workforce," said Polaski, "and these discussions give us a chance to draw lessons and prepare for the future to ensure that workers in our countries have good employment opportunities and adequate social safety nets."

The Labor Department's Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) conducts research on and formulates international economic, trade and labor policies in collaboration with other U.S. government agencies. It also provides international technical assistance in support of U.S. foreign-labor policy objectives. ILAB works to create a more stable, secure and prosperous international economic system in which all workers can achieve greater economic security, share in the benefits of increased international trade, and have safer and healthier workplaces where the basic rights of workers and children are respected and protected. For more information, visit

Bureau of International Labor Affairs
September 29, 2009
Release Number