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News Release

Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.


Bureau of International Labor Affairs

ILAB Press Release: U.S. and Mexico Labor Secretaries to Consult on Alleged Employment Discrimination in Maquiladora Plants [02/27/1998]

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Labor Secretary Alexis M. Herman announced today that her Mexican counterpart, Javier Bonilla, Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare, has agreed to her request for ministerial consultations on allegations of employment discrimination against pregnant women in maquiladora plants.

The U.S. National Administrative Office (NAO) reviewed the allegations and found differing views within the Mexican government on law and practices regarding pregnancy-based employment discrimination. That prompted the NAO to recommend to Herman that she consult with Bonilla on the existence and extent of discriminatory employment practices against women.

The discrimination complaint was filed with the NAO under the terms of the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation, the labor side agreement to NAFTA. Upon formal review of the complaint, the NAO recommended that Herman seek clarification of the official Mexican position on the issues and consider the possibility of conducting joint programs to address the problem.

Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.

Bureau of International Labor Affairs
February 27, 1998
Media Contact: David Roberts
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