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News Release

Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.


Bureau of International Labor Affairs

ILAB Press Release: Statement of Secretary of Labor Alexis M. Herman on the Launch of the Global March Against Child Labor [11/19/1997]

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"Every day, throughout the world, millions of children are forced to work. Many of these children work in horrendous conditions, often in near slavery. These children -- and I'm speaking about kids under 14 years old -- do not enjoy their right to education, to recreation and to the other joys most of us wish for our own children.

"Over the past few years, the Department of Labor has taken a close look at this problem. We've asked, Why does child labor exist? And what can we do about it?' We've learned quite a lot about the problem. We've learned that sometimes child labor results from cruelty, sometimes from greed, sometimes from ignorance, sometimes from poverty. We've also learned that it's a problem that does not need to exist, in any case, in any place, in any circumstance.

"So I am proud to support the Global March Against Child Labor, and I welcome the March as it passes through our nation's capitol this May, en route to Geneva, Switzerland. The March will arrive in Geneva right at the time the International Labor Conference is meeting to discuss a new international convention that will prohibit the worst forms of child labor. I hope that the March will make all Americans, indeed people throughout the world, more conscious of the predicament of many of the world's youngest citizens."

Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.

Bureau of International Labor Affairs
November 19, 1997
Media Contact: David Roberts
Phone Number