June 29, 2010

US Department of Labor announces grant exceeding $470,000 to continue to aid Florida workers impacted by manufacturing industry layoffs

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a $470,835 National Emergency Grant supplemental award to the Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc. to provide services to about 575 workers affected by layoffs from the manufacturing industry.

"Today's supplemental funds will continue to help Floridians with job placement assistance, skills training and other re-employment services to help them get started in new careers," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis.

June 29, 2010

US Department of Labor announces $2.6 million grant to assist workers in rural Oregon

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a $2,571,600 grant to assist about 370 workers affected by documented and projected layoffs from multiple companies in a defined regional economy in rural Oregon. This region is comprised of Baker, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Crook, Curry, Deschutes, Douglas, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Tillamook, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco and Wheeler counties.

June 25, 2010

US Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis announces $75 million to provide workers affected by layoffs with on-the-job training opportunities

DENVER – During a visit to Denver, Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis today announced $75 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 funds for On-the-Job Training, National Emergency Grants to 41 states, the District of Columbia and three federally recognized Native American tribes. These resources will be used to help Americans get back to work, especially in geographic areas disproportionately impacted by the recession.

June 24, 2010

ETA Press Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report

SEASONALLY ADJUSTED DATA In the week ending June 19, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 457,000, a decrease of 19,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 476,000. The 4-week moving average was 462,750, a decrease of 1,500 from the previous week's revised average of 464,250.

The advance seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate was 3.5 percent for the week ending June 12, a decrease of 0.1 percentage point from the prior week's unrevised rate of 3.6 percent.

June 24, 2010

US Labor Secretary Solis announces more than $78 million for National Farmworker Jobs Program

LOS ANGELES – During a visit to Olvera Street in Los Angeles, U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis today announced $78,410,000 in grant funds through the National Farmworker Jobs Program. The program provides training and employment services to migrant and seasonal farmworkers. It is authorized by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and is designed to counter the impact of chronic unemployment and underemployment experienced by migrant and seasonal farmworkers who depend primarily on agricultural labor jobs.

June 24, 2010

Statement of US Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis on need for immediate Senate passage of legislation extending unemployment benefits for unemployed workers

WASHINGTON – Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis today issued the following statement after the U.S. Senate failed by three votes to approve legislation extending unemployment insurance benefits:

"There are nearly 15 million unemployed workers across our nation. Each and every day, they look for work and do everything they can to care for their families and put food on the table. Hundreds of thousands of them rely on unemployment insurance benefits as a final lifeline.

June 23, 2010

US Department of Labor announces nearly $597 million in continued funding to support community service-based job training programs for seniors

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today released $596,525,000 in funds to continue support for 74 state, territory and national grantees of the Senior Community Service Employment Program for program year 2010. These funds will enable income and training support for 61,900 individuals ages 55 and older, who have low incomes or are unemployed. At least 75 percent of SCSEP funds will go to provide these individuals with part-time, paid community service-based job training program opportunities throughout the country.

June 22, 2010

US Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis announces release of more than $67 million to support Native American employment programs

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced approximately $67 million in grant funds to 256 organizations through the Workforce Investment Act Indian and Native American Program. These grants will support job training and placement services for adults and at-risk youth.

June 21, 2010

US Departments of Labor, Interior and Agriculture jointly announce new federal partnership to provide support for youth to work in the great outdoors

NEW YORK – Leaders from the U.S. Departments of Labor, Interior and Agriculture joined in New York City at the Outdoor Nation Youth Summit on June 20 to announce the launch of a $20 million federal grant opportunity and implementation of an initiative designed to help disadvantaged youth prepare for jobs in the outdoors. Through a national grant competition, funds will be awarded to enable ex-offenders ages 18 to 24 to give back to their communities through service and conservation work, while simultaneously acquiring solid employment skills.

June 18, 2010

Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis announces $20 million in grants to prepare high school dropouts and young adult offenders for future employment

WASHINGTON – During a visit to Sasha Bruce Center, a YouthBuild site in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis today announced the release of two national grants in the amounts of $10 million each to serve at-risk youth.

June 17, 2010

US secretary of labor announces nearly $40 million in grants to continue support for dislocated workers in Michigan

DETROIT – During a visit to Macomb Community College in Detroit, Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis today announced the release of $20,922,153 in Trade Adjustment Assistance reserve funds to the state of Michigan. She also announced three Regional Economic Impact National Emergency Grants totaling $19,016,800. The grants will serve to provide continued services for workers affected by documented layoffs from multiple companies in three defined regional economies throughout the state.

June 17, 2010

ETA Press Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report

SEASONALLY ADJUSTED DATA In the week ending June 12, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 472,000, an increase of 12,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 460,000. The 4-week moving average was 463,500, a decrease of 500 from the previous week's revised average of 464,000.

The advance seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate was 3.6 percent for the week ending June 5, an increase of 0.1 percentage point from the prior week's unrevised rate of 3.5 percent.

June 16, 2010

US Department of Labor announces more than $14 million in health care career grants supported by Recovery Act

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced $14.7 million in health care career grants authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The four grantees are the American Association of Community Colleges, Goodwill Industries International, the International Association of Jewish Vocational Services and SER-Jobs for Progress National Inc. The grants will support projects designed to provide health care training and virtual service-delivery models (i.e., web-based services) to promote career opportunities in the health care sector.

June 15, 2010

US Labor Secretary Solis announces release of $7.8 million in unemployment insurance modernization incentive funds to Rhode Island

WASHINGTON – U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis today announced during a press conference call the release of $7,820,193 in unemployment insurance modernization incentive funds to the state of Rhode Island. Rhode Island qualified for a portion of its share of the funds available under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act because its unemployment law contains provisions that allow workers to use recent earnings to qualify for benefits.

June 10, 2010

ETA Press Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report

SEASONALLY ADJUSTED DATA In the week ending June 5, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 456,000, a decrease of 3,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 459,000. The 4-week moving average was 463,000, an increase of 2,500 from the previous week's revised average of 460,500.

The advance seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate was 3.5 percent for the week ending May 29, a decrease of 0.2 percentage point from the prior week's revised rate of 3.7 percent.

June 9, 2010

US Department of Labor provides more than $816,000 to continue severe storm recovery efforts in Arkansas

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor has announced an $816,730 National Emergency Grant increment to continue clean-up and recovery efforts in the wake of severe storms, tornadoes and flooding that struck Arkansas in October 2009.

"Workers in Arkansas are helping the state recover from severe damage that stems from inclement weather last fall. This grant will continue funding for the temporary jobs of individuals engaged in those efforts," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis.

June 8, 2010

US Department of Labor announces $1.4 million in TAA technical assistance grants to provide technical assistance and outreach to dislocated workers

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced $1.4 million in Trade Adjustment Assistance Technical Assistance and Outreach Partnership Grants to three organizations to provide services in 10 states. The organizations are the AFL-CIO Working for America Institute; the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers; and the Washington State Labor Council AFL-CIO. The grants will be used to support projects that provide technical assistance and outreach to dislocated workers impacted by foreign trade.

June 8, 2010

US Department of Labor announces grant exceeding $495,000 to assist workers in Oregon affected by manufacturing industry layoffs

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a $495,238 grant to assist about 90 workers affected by layoffs at Blount Inc. in Portland, Ore., and its subsidiary Carlton Co. Inc. in Milwaukie, Ore.

"The grant is specifically designed to help these workers get back on their feet," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "It will make crucial re-employment and retraining services possible, bringing these Oregonians closer to the type of good jobs that offer stability and opportunities for advancement."

June 7, 2010

US Department of Labor announces grant exceeding $19 million to assist workers in California affected by automotive industry layoffs

FREMONT, Calif. – Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis today announced a $19,042,012 grant to assist some 4,300 workers affected by layoffs at New United Motors Manufacturing Inc. located in Fremont and several of NUMMI's supplier companies. The announcement took place at the NUMMI Re-employment Center.

June 3, 2010

ETA Press Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report

SEASONALLY ADJUSTED DATA In the week ending May 29, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 453,000, a decrease of 10,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 463,000. The 4-week moving average was 459,000, an increase of 1,750 from the previous week's revised average of 457,250.

The advance seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate was 3.6 percent for the week ending May 22, unchanged from the prior week's unrevised rate of 3.6 percent.