November 6, 2013

ETA News Release: $2.8M grant awarded to Michigan to launch a new program designed to prevent worker layoffs [11/06/2013]

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the award of $2,840,535 to the state of Michigan to develop and promote a short-time compensation program, a layoff prevention program also known as "work-sharing."

November 6, 2013

ETA News Release: Grant to assist Idaho workers affected by the sale of potato processing operation announced by US Labor Department [11/06/2013]

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a $366,087 National Emergency Grant to provide re-employment services to approximately 50 workers affected by the sale of Nonpareil Farms' dehydrated potato processing operation in Blackfoot, Idaho.

"This grant will help these workers get the necessary skills they need to re-enter the workforce," said acting Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment and Training Eric M. Seleznow.

November 4, 2013

ETA News Release: Funding for workers affected by layoffs at Maine Military Authority is continued by US Labor Department [11/04/2013]

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a $305,714 National Emergency Grant supplement to continue the provision of re-employment and training services for approximately 47 additional workers affected by recent layoffs at the Maine Military Authority in Limestone, Maine.

"The Labor Department's funding will assist these additional workers affected by layoffs from the Maine Military Authority to secure new employment," said acting Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment and Training Eric M. Seleznow.

November 4, 2013

ETA News Release: Funding for workers affected by layoffs at Maine Military Authority is continued by US Labor Department [11/04/2013]

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a $305,714 National Emergency Grant supplement to continue the provision of re-employment and training services for approximately 47 additional workers affected by recent layoffs at the Maine Military Authority in Limestone, Maine.

"The Labor Department's funding will assist these additional workers affected by layoffs from the Maine Military Authority to secure new employment," said acting Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment and Training Eric M. Seleznow.

October 22, 2013

ETA News Release: Obama administration awards $20.5 million for Make it in America Challenge grants to spur business investment and job creation [10/22/2013]

WASHINGTON — U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny S. Pritzker, U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez and Delta Regional Authority Federal Co-Chairman Christopher A. Masingill today announced the 10 winners of the Make it in America Challenge, an Obama administration initiative to accelerate job creation and encourage business investment in the United States.

October 20, 2013

ETA News Release: Washington community recovering from flooding and mudslides awarded more than $625K in additional funding from US Labor Department [10/20/2013]

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor has announced a $626,159 National Emergency Grant incremental award to continue providing temporary employment for eligible individuals assisting with the clean-up and recovery efforts following the flooding and mudslides that occurred in Snohomish County, Washington, on March 22. The funds are being awarded to the Washington State Employment Security Department.

October 16, 2013

ETA News Release: $1.9M of additional funding awarded to Mississippi to continue recovery efforts following severe storms [10/16/2013]

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a $1,910,024 National Emergency Grant incremental award to continue temporary employment for eligible individuals assisting with the clean-up and recovery efforts following the severe storms, tornadoes and flooding that occurred in Mississippi on April 28. These funds are being awarded to the Mississippi Department of Employment Security.

October 15, 2013

ETA News Release: Additional funding awarded to West Virginia to continue clean-up efforts following severe storms and flooding [10/15/2013]

WASHINGTONWorkForce West Virginia received a $203,940 National Emergency Grant supplemental award today from the U.S. Department of Labor to continue temporary employment opportunities as West Virginia completes its clean-up efforts following severe storms and flooding that occurred on June 13, 2013.

October 15, 2013

ETA News Release: Nearly $170M in Ready to Work Partnership grants awarded to help long-term unemployed Americans find work [10/15/2013]

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today announced $169,771,960 in grants to expedite the employment of Americans struggling with long-term unemployment. The grants are part of the Ready to Work Partnership initiative to support and scale innovative collaborations between employers, nonprofit organizations and federal job training programs to help connect ready-to-work Americans with ready-to-be-filled jobs.

October 1, 2013

ETA News Release: Nearly $950K in funding awarded to Colorado to continue cleanup and recovery efforts following severe storms [10/01/2013]

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a $944,839 National Emergency Grant incremental award to help communities in northern Colorado recover from the severe storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides that occurred on Sept. 11, 2013. These funds are being awarded to the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment to hire temporary workers to continue with cleanup and recovery efforts.

September 30, 2013

ETA News Release: US Labor Department announces grants to five states for initiative to help the unemployed get back to work [09/30/2013]

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the award of five grants totaling $400,000 to California, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas and Kentucky. The grants are part of the department's Reemployment Connections initiative, an effort to better integrate the Unemployment Insurance program with the broader workforce system in order to improve the re-employment outcomes for Unemployment Insurance claimants and other job seekers.

September 29, 2013

ETA News Release: Vice President Biden announces recipients of $450M of job-driven training grants [09/29/2013]

$450M in grants to nearly 270 community colleges partnering with more than 400 employers nationally

September 26, 2013

ETA Press Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report

SEASONALLY ADJUSTED DATA In the week ending September 21, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 305,000, a decrease of 5,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 310,000. The 4-week moving average was 308,000, a decrease of 7,000 from the previous week's revised average of 315,000.

September 26, 2013

ETA News Release: US Labor Department awards grants to boost state Unemployment Insurance program integrity, performance and system improvement projects [09/26/2013]

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today announced awards totaling approximately $176.4 million to 40 state workforce agencies for Unemployment Insurance program integrity, performance and system improvement projects. The grants are intended to: support the prevention and detection of UI improper benefit payments, improve state performance and address outdated information technology system infrastructures necessary to improve UI program integrity.

September 26, 2013

ETA News Release: More than $18.5 million in Disability Employment Initiative grants awarded by US Labor Department to eight states [09/26/2013]

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today announced grants totaling $18,597,758 to eight states to provide education, training and employment opportunities for youth and adults with disabilities. The grants are part of the Disability Employment Initiative, a program jointly funded and administered by the department's Employment and Training Administration and Office of Disability Employment Policy.

September 23, 2013

ETA News Release: US Labor Department awards nearly $24 million in Pay for Success grants [09/23/2013]

New York and Massachusetts awarded grants to improve employment outcomes for formerly incarcerated individuals

September 19, 2013

ETA Press Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report

SEASONALLY ADJUSTED DATA In the week ending September 14, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 309,000, an increase of 15,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 294,000. The 4-week moving average was 314,750, a decrease of 7,000 from the previous week's revised average of 321,750.

September 16, 2013

ETA News Release: US Department of Labor funds re-employment assistance for Texas workers displaced by layoffs at Fort Hood and Red River Army Depot [09/16/2013]

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a $4,131,089 National Emergency Grant to provide re-employment assistance to approximately 1,120 workers affected by layoffs at Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas, and the Red River Army Depot in Texarkana, Texas.

September 12, 2013

ETA News Release: US Department of Labor announces funding opportunity for original academic research on employment and training topics [09/12/2013]

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor, through its contractor IMPAQ International, announced the availability of approximately $80,000 in funding for the 2013 Employment and Training Administration's Research Papers Program.