News Release

US Department of Labor announces proposal to define measure effectiveness in serving employers for additional workforce programs

WASHINGTON The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking public comment on its proposal to establish a definition for the final performance indicator used to report outcomes for Title I non-core programs under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act core programs. The proposed rule would use“Retention with the Same Employer” as the criterion to measure effectiveness in serving employers.  

WIOA Title I non-core programs include the Indian and Native American programs, Job Corps, YouthBuild and the National Farmworker Jobs Program.

Concurrent with the publication of this notice, the departments of Labor and Education have proposed a separate, joint rule to incorporate the same definition for the effectiveness in serving employers performance indicator into the regulations for WIOA core programs. The Labor Department’s WIOA core programs are Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth and Employment Service. WIOA core programs in the Department of Education are the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act program and the Vocational Rehabilitation program authorized under the Rehabilitation Act.

The proposed rule uses “Retention with the Same Employer” as the department’s approach to measuring this indicator. The indicator would assess the percentage of WIOA program participants with wage records who are employed with same employer in both the second and fourth quarters after exiting the program.

The proposed rule is published in the Federal Register. Submit public comments related to the publication of the notice announced today.

Employment and Training Administration
September 14, 2022
Release Number
Media Contact: Monica Vereen
Media Contact: Arjun Singh
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