Please note: As of 01/20/2025, information in some news releases may be out of date or not reflect current policies.
News Release
US Department of Labor announces $25M in funding to support education, employment training for workforce entry by justice-involved young adults
WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the availability of $25 million to fund grants to approximately six organizations to provide education and employment training to young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 who left high school before graduation, or are currently or have been involved previously with the juvenile or adult criminal justice system.
“Our communities and our economy both benefit when justice-involved young adults have the opportunity to pursue education and training leading to careers,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment and Training Suzi LeVine. “Partnering organizations’ ties with local businesses mean that these programs will create the best possible pathways for participants to succeed.”
Administered by the department’s Employment and Training Administration, Young Adult Reentry Partnership grants will support partnerships with community colleges, the criminal justice system and employers, employer associations, unions providing training, or labor-management partnerships and focus on occupations – in industries with high local demand – that offer these young adults living wages. ETA seeks applicants serving communities with high rates of poverty and crime, and those who programs offer accelerated learning and work-based learning opportunities including registered apprenticeships, and exhibit strong employer partnerships.
Authorized by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, the awards will provide up to $4,500,000 each to eligible intermediary organizations (defined as organizations that have sub-grantees, affiliates or local offices that serve at least three communities across at least two states) to serve young adults. Award recipients must partner actively with community colleges to deliver education and training opportunities and create pathways that lead to better economic outcomes for justice-involved young adults.
In the past, grants awarded through this partnership launched programs that allow participants to pursue apprenticeships in construction, health care, manufacturing and logistics while working to reduce recidivism. Programs have also been funded through this grant that help participants obtain GED certificates and the legal services and support they need to gain credentials in growing fields such as information technology.