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News Release

U.S. Department of Labor Announces the Availability of Approximately $89 Million in Grant Funding for Youthbuild Projects

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the availability of approximately $89 million in grant funds authorized by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act for YouthBuild.

Under this Funding Opportunity Announcement, the Department will award grants through a competitive process to organizations providing pre-apprenticeship services that support education, occupational skills training and employment services to at-risk youth, ages 16 to 24, while performing meaningful work and service to their communities. In addition to construction skills training, YouthBuild applicants may include occupational skills training in other in-demand industries, including through registered and industry-recognized apprenticeship programs. This expansion into additional in-demand industries is the Construction Plus component, a priority in this grant competition. 

The YouthBuild model balances project-based academic learning and occupational skills training to prepare at-risk youth for career placement. The academic component assists youth who are often significantly behind in basic skill development or in obtaining a high school diploma or state high school equivalency credential. The occupational skills training component prepares at-risk youth for apprenticeships, other career pathways and further education or training. It also supports the goal of increasing affordable housing within communities by building or significantly renovating homes to be sold or rented to low-income families or for transitional housing for homeless families or individuals.

In 2021, the Department will fund approximately 75 projects across the country. Individual grants will range from $700,000 to $1.5 million and require a 25 percent match from applicants, using sources other than federal funding. The grant period of performance for this announcement is 40 months, including a four-month planning period and a twelve-month follow-up period. The funding opportunity also highlights guidance published by the Department earlier this year that sets forth the rights of faith-based organizations to apply for Department grants on equal footing with other organizations. 

View this funding announcement. The closing date for receipt of applications is Feb. 9, 2021, and must be received no later than 4 p.m. EST.

The mission of the Department of Labor is to foster, promote and develop the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers and retirees of the United States; improve working conditions; advance opportunities for profitable employment; and assure work-related benefits and rights.

Employment and Training Administration
December 14, 2020
Release Number
Media Contact: Eric Holland
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