Please note: As of 01/20/2025, information in some news releases may be out of date or not reflect current policies.

News Brief

Grants to assist Iowa workers affected by Ankeny and Waterloo layoffs

State: Iowa

Type of Award: National Emergency Grant

Initial Amount Released: $518,643

Total Award Amount Approved: $3,058,322

Funding Awarded to: Iowa Workforce Development

Number of Workers to Be Served: About 650

Use of Funds: This NEG's value is up to $3,058,322 — with $518,643 for initial release — to provide reemployment and training services to approximately 650 of 1,312 workers affected by the layoffs at John Deere facilities in Ankeny and Waterloo, Iowa. Of the 650 workers targeted for services, 461 individuals from the Waterloo facility have been certified as eligible for Trade Adjustment Assistance. This dual enrollment project will provide the TAA-certified workers with access to "wrap around" and supportive services that are not available through the TAA program.

Employment and Training Administration
June 30, 2015
Release Number