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News Release

$3.2M in demonstration grants awarded by US Labor Department to improve services to older workers

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a one-time demonstration grant award of $3,224,509 to 14 community service organizations to improve services to low-income older workers through the Senior Community Service Employment Program.

"Older workers are essential to the fabric of our nation, but it can be difficult for many of these Americans to access good jobs," said Portia Wu, assistant secretary of labor for employment and training. "The federal grants we're announcing today will help these individuals overcome challenges in re-entering the workforce and attaining economic stability."

The grantees awarded today will develop programs focused on the following three priorities: 1) improving unsubsidized job placements through increased employer engagement, 2) enhancing services to SCSEP participants through development or improvement of partnerships, and 3) expanding training options for SCSEP participants.

Because the grants were awarded in a limited competition, only applicants that met certain benchmarks for past utilization of funds and for performance were eligible to apply. The specific eligibility criteria considered were:

  1. Having returned no more than 5 percent of their Program Year 2011 allocation; AND
  2. Having met one of the following two performance level benchmarks:
    1. an entered employment rate at or above the nationwide average and a most-in-need rate at or above 90 percent of the nationwide average in PY 2012; OR
    2. a most-in-need rate at or above the nationwide average and an entered employment rate at or above 90 percent of the nationwide average in PY 2012.

The SCSEP is provides part-time, community service-based job training for low-income, unemployed individuals 55 and older. SCSEP participants gain work experience in a variety of community service activities at nonprofit and public facilities, including schools, hospitals, day care centers and senior centers. Participants also have access to employment assistance through American Job Centers.

Editor's Note: a list of awardees and their funding amounts follows this release.


Funding Amount

Funding Priorities 1, 2 or 3



2. Enhancing Services to SCSEP participants through development or improvement of partnerships

Experience Works


3. Expanding Training Options for SCSEP Participants

Goodwill Industries International Inc.


1. Improving unsubsidized job placements through employer engagement

Mature Services Inc.


1. Improving unsubsidized job placements through employer engagement

Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development


1. Improving unsubsidized job placements through employer engagement

National Asian Pacific Center on Aging


2. Enhancing Services to SCSEP participants through development or improvement of partnerships

National Able Network


3. Expanding Training Options for SCSEP Participants

National Caucus and Center on Black Aged


1. Improving unsubsidized job placements through employer engagement

Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division


1. Improving unsubsidized job placements through employer engagement

South Carolina Lieutenant Governor's Office on Aging


3. Expanding Training Options for SCSEP Participants

State of Montana


3. Expanding Training Options for SCSEP Participants

Texas Workforce Commission


3. Expanding Training Options for SCSEP Participants

Vermont Associates for Training and Development


3. Expanding Training Options for SCSEP Participants

Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living


3. Expanding Training Options for SCSEP Participants

Employment and Training Administration
June 11, 2014
Release Number
Media Contact: Megan Kindelan
Phone Number