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News Release

US Department of Labor provides grant increment to continue re-employment assistance for Iowa workers affected by layoffs at Electrolux

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a $676,388 National Emergency Grant increment to continue providing re-employment services to workers who were affected by layoffs at three Electrolux facilities in Jefferson and Webster City, Iowa, as well as three of the company's suppliers in Ames and Webster City, Iowa. More than 700 workers will be assisted by the funds, an increase from the original 450 served under the initial award.

In July 2008, Electrolux began moving its operations from Jefferson and Webster City to Juarez, Mexico. In February 2009, the company announced that it was moving all manufacturing operations to Juarez and transferring all distribution operations to an existing center in El Paso, Texas.

"The Department of Labor is committed to getting America back to work," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "This continued federal assistance will enable workers laid off through no fault of their own to update their skills in order to be successful in the 21st century workforce."

Awarded to Iowa Workforce Development, the grant increment will provide eligible workers with continued access to training and support, in conjunction with other services they may receive as a result of their eligibility for Trade Adjustment Assistance benefits.

A grant of $1,352,776 was awarded on Aug. 26, 2010, with half released initially. Today's second and final increment completes the total amount awarded.

National Emergency Grants are part of the secretary of labor's discretionary fund and are awarded based on a state's ability to meet specific guidelines. For more information, visit

Employment and Training Administration
October 17, 2011
Release Number