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News Release

US Department of Labor announces grant exceeding $372,000 to assist workers in Maine affected by electronics industry layoffs

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a $372,839 grant to assist about 65 workers affected by layoffs at General Electric Security Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of General Electric Co. in Pittsfield, Maine.

"Supporting workers who lose their jobs through no fault of their own is good for the economy and the right thing to do," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "This grant will provide the retraining and job search assistance necessary for affected workers in Maine to get a leg up in the current economic climate."

Awarded to the Maine Department of Labor, this grant will be operated by the Central/Western Maine Workforce Investment Board. The grant will provide affected workers with access to dislocated worker services. These services may include skills assessment, basic skills training, individual career counseling and occupational skills training.

Layoffs at General Electric Security Inc. took place in May and June 2009.

This grant will be funded by resources made available for National Emergency Grants under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

National Emergency Grants are part of the secretary of labor's discretionary fund and are awarded based on a state's ability to meet specific guidelines. For more information, visit

Employment and Training Administration
October 27, 2009
Release Number
Media Contact: Michael Trupo
Phone Number
Media Contact: David Roberts
Phone Number