Please note: As of January 20, 2021, information in some news releases may be out of date or not reflect current policies.

News Release

U.S. Department of Labor certifies approximately 1,400 workers in 5 states as eligible to apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance

Workers in Alabama, Connecticut, Michigan, Ohio and South Dakota covered

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced that approximately 1,400 workers laid off from specific companies in five states – Alabama, Connecticut, Michigan, Ohio and South Dakota – are eligible to apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance.

"American workers in many locations are being impacted by auto industry restructuring," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "Trade Adjustment Assistance is one way to help laid-off individuals to re-build their lives and continue to support their families."

Workers covered by these latest Trade Adjustment Assistance certifications will be contacted by their respective states with instructions on how to apply for individual benefits and services. Those who apply may receive case management and re-employment services, training in new occupational skills and trade readjustment allowances that provide income support for workers enrolled in training. Some workers may also receive job search and relocation allowances, and the Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC).

Workers 50 years of age and older may elect to receive Re-employment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA). If a worker obtains new employment at wages less than $55,000 and less than those earned in adversely affected employment, the RTAA program will pay 50 percent of the difference between the old wage and the new wage, up to $12,000 over a two-year period. RTAA participants may also be eligible for retraining and the HCTC.

"The TAA certifications being announced today are evidence that workers in the auto industry are being hard hit throughout the country," said Dr. Ed Montgomery, executive director of the White House Council on Auto Communities and Workers. "The White House council will continue to work with Secretary Solis and other members of the administration to ensure communities and workers adversely impacted by the downturn in the auto industry receive needed assistance, while creating opportunities for growth and revitalization."

For more information on Trade Adjustment Assistance and the range of Department of Labor employment and training services, visit

Editor's Note: A chart reflecting companies, locations and approximate numbers of workers covered by these certifications is below.

TAA Certifications


Approximate Number of Workers


Mercedes-Benz U.S. International Inc.


Vance, Ala.

Stanadyne Corp.


Windsor, Conn.

Inergy Automotive Systems


Adrian, Mich.

Sigma Stamping


Auburn Hills, Mich.

Sigma Manufacturing


Auburn Hills, Mich.

Koppy Corp.


Orion, Mich.

Liberty Manufacturing Co.


Portage, Mich.

Transform Automotive LLC


Sterling Heights, Mich.

Weastec Inc.


Greenfield, Ohio

Weastec Inc.


Hillsboro, Ohio

Bayloff Stamped Products


Kinsman, Ohio

Qualion Corp


Watertown, S.D.

* Not all workers covered by this certification were engaged in automotive-related work.

Employment and Training Administration
August 24, 2009
Release Number
Media Contact: Michael Trupo
Phone Number