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News Release
Labor Department Posts ERISA Advisory Committee Reports On Its Website
Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.
The three reports prepared by the Labor Department’s Advisory Committee on Employee Welfare and Pension Benefit Plans have been released via the Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration’s internet website at . The reports also are available in hard copy through the agency’s public disclosure office at (202) 219-8771.
The reports, approved by the full Advisory Council on Nov. 10, 1999, were prepared for Secretary of Labor Alexis M. Herman. The reports deal with:
- The Trend in the Defined Benefit Pension Market Toward Hybrid Plans (Cash Balance),
- The Benefit Implications of the Growth of a Contingent Workforce, and
- Exploring the Possibility of Using Pension Surplus to Secure Retiree Health.
The Advisory Committee, more commonly known as the ERISA Advisory Council, is comprised of 15 members from statutorily specified subject areas in the employee benefits community. They are appointed to three-year terms by the Labor Secretary, with an explicit charter to provide policy recommendations and reports relating to areas of concern in private pensions and health benefits.
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Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.