September 22, 2021

Lavadero de autos en California intencionalmente no pagó horas extra y deberá pagar $62,000 en salarios y compensación por violaciones federales

WEST COVINA, CA – El Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. ha ordenado a un operador de lavado de autos en Colton que pague a 15 trabajadores más de $62,000 en salarios atrasados y compensación por daños luego que investigadores federales encontraron que el empleador intencionalmente no les pagó las horas extra, como requiere la Ley de Normas Justas de Trabajo.

September 21, 2021

Un contratista de remodelación de Carolina del Norte paga $100,000 en salarios atrasados después de que una investigación del Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. encontrara violaciones en relación con las horas extra

HIGHLANDS, NC - Una investigación federal sobre las prácticas de pago de un contratista de remodelación de granito y gabinetes en Highlands, encontró que el empleador clasificó erróneamente a los trabajadores como contratistas independientes y no pagó las horas extra cuando trabajaron más de 40 horas en una semana de trabajo.

September 21, 2021

Federal court orders border warehouse to pay $235K in back wages, penalties after US Department of Labor investigation

SAN DIEGO – A federal court has approved a consent judgment ordering a San Diego customs warehouse company to pay $235,000 in back wages and penalties after a U.S. Department of Labor investigation found the employer illegally paid warehouse workers as little as $3.38 per hour and paid no overtime when the workers averaged 45 to 51 hours a week.

September 21, 2021

North Carolina remodeling contractor pays $100K in back wages after US Department of Labor investigation finds overtime violations

HIGHLANDS, NC – A federal investigation of a Highlands granite and cabinet remodeling contractor’s pay practices found the employer misclassified workers as independent contractors and failed to pay overtime when they worked more than 40 hours in a workweek.

September 21, 2021

Tribunal federal ordena a almacén fronterizo pagar $235,000 en salarios atrasados, multas tras investigación del Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU.

SAN DIEGO - Un tribunal federal ha dictado una sentencia acordada por las partes por la que se ordena a una empresa de almacenes aduaneros de San Diego el pago de $235,000 en concepto de salarios atrasados y sanciones después de que una investigación del Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU.

September 20, 2021

US Department of Labor extends effective date of final rule to rescind March 2020 joint employer rule

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the extension of the effective date of a final rule to rescind an earlier rule, “Joint Employer Status under the Fair Labor Standards Act,” that took effect in March 2020. The original Sept.

September 20, 2021

Court orders horse trainer to pay $563K back wages, damages to 170 employees after US Department of Labor investigation, litigation

NEW YORK – Employees known as groomers and hot walkers are crucial to employers who race thoroughbred horses. They warm horses up ahead of races and workouts, cool the horses down afterwards and clean the horses, stables and equipment.

September 20, 2021

El Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. recupero $58,000 en salarios debidos a 30 trabajadores de ocho farmacias en San Antonio

SAN ANTONIO - Desde el comienzo de la pandemia, los trabajadores de las farmacias de nuestras comunidades han atendido las múltiples necesidades de sus clientes – rellenando recetas, programando vacunas y utilizando servicios sin contacto en los mostradores y ventanillas de atención al público – y, a cambio, esperaban que se les pagaran los salarios legalmente ganados.

September 20, 2021

US Department of Labor finds Arkansas waste management company illegally fired worker on federally protected medical leave

LITTLE ROCK, AR – A Little Rock waste management company that terminated an employee who used qualified medical leave to address a serious health issue – just days before Christmas 2019 – was ordered to pay the worker $36,007 in back wages as the result of a federal investigation.

September 20, 2021

Un tribunal condena a un entrenador de caballos a pagar $563,000 en concepto de salarios atrasados y daños y perjuicios a 170 empleados tras una investigación y un litigio del Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU.

NUEVA YORK - Los empleados conocidos como peluqueros de caballos y paseadores son esenciales para los empresarios que corren carreras con caballos de pura sangre. Ayudan a precalentar a los caballos antes de las carreras y los entrenamientos, los enfrían después, y limpian los caballos, los establos y el equipo.

September 20, 2021

US Department of Labor investigations recover $58K in back wages owed to 28 workers at eight San Antonio-area pharmacies

SAN ANTONIO – Since the pandemic’s start, pharmacy workers in our communities have served their customers’ many needs – filling prescriptions, scheduling vaccinations and using contact-free services at counters and drive-through windows – and, in return, they expected to be paid their legally earned wages.

September 16, 2021

Unas empresas de gestión hotelera de Long Island deberán pagar $210,000 en salarios y multas después de que el Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. descubriera violaciones del programa de trabajadores extranjeros H-2B

NUEVA YORK - Los empleados de dos empresas de gestión hotelera de East Hampton (Nueva York), de propiedad común, descubrieron que su trabajo no era vacacional cuando sus empleadores -Dune Resorts LLC y Ocean Bay Management Inc.- violaron varios requisitos del programa de visados H-2B, lo que supuso la pérdida directa de puestos de trabajo para 39 trabajadores estadounidenses y el pago insuficiente a 59 empleados H-2B.

September 16, 2021

Federal investigation of pay practices recovers nearly $120K in back wages, damages for 65 workers at Pike County truck stop, convenience store

TAFTON, PA – A U.S. Department of Labor investigation has found the owner of two Pike County companies violated the Fair Labor Standards Act by denying 65 workers their rightfully earned wages, resulting in the recovery of nearly $120,000 in back wages and damages.

September 16, 2021

Long Island hotel management companies to pay $210,000 in wages, penalties after US Department of Labor finds H-2B guest worker program violations

NEW YORK Employees of two commonly owned and operated East Hampton, New York, hotel management companies found their work was no vacation when their employers – Dune Resorts LLC and Ocean Bay Management Inc. – violated several requirements of the H-2B Visa program, resulting in direct job losses to 39 U.S. workers and underpayments to 59 H-2B employees.

September 16, 2021

US Labor Department recovers nearly $115K in back wages, damages after investigation finds overtime violations at Swedesboro production facility

SWEDESBORO, NJ – JP Technology Inc. operates a hafnium crystal bar production facility in Swedesboro 24 hours a day. At the facility, many employees work 12-hour shifts, seven days a week. A recent federal investigation found the employer failed to pay some of these employees any overtime pay, a violation of federal wage laws.

September 15, 2021

Federal court orders Selbyville restaurant to pay $305K in back wages, damages, penalties after US Department of Labor finds wage violations

SELBYVILLE, DE – A federal court has ordered a Selbyville business operator to pay $300,000 in back wages and liquidated damages to 16 workers – some of whom worked 75 hours or more a week for a flat salary while the business kept no time records of the hours they worked. 

September 15, 2021

Un tribunal federal ordena al restaurante de Selbyville el pago de $305,000 en concepto de salarios atrasados, daños y perjuicios y sanciones después de que el Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. detectara violaciones salariales

SELBYVILLE, DE - Un tribunal federal ha ordenado al operador de un negocio de Selbyville que pague $300,000 en salarios atrasados y daños y perjuicios a 16 trabajadores, algunos de los cuales trabajaban 75 horas o más a la semana por un salario fijo mientras el negocio no mantenía registros de las horas que trabajaban. 

September 15, 2021

US Department of Labor announces annual update to current minimum hourly wage rate for federal contract workers

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today issued a Federal Register notice announcing an annual update to the current Executive Order 13658 minimum wage for workers performing work on or in connection with covered contracts.

September 15, 2021

US Department of Labor recovers $163K for 72 healthcare workers after investigation finds Linden hospital missed payrolls

LINDEN, TN Amid the pandemic, Linden hospital essential healthcare workers demonstrated their commitment to their jobs and communities when they worked long hours at a risk to themselves and their families. Yet, the hospital failed to meet its responsibilities to 72 of these workers when it did not pay them in accordance with federal law. Underpayment and missed payrolls added financial stress to the enormous burden already carried by the workers.

September 14, 2021

US Department of Labor recovers $99K in wages for 25 Houston concrete masonry workers after finding Fair Labor Standards Act violations

HOUSTON – In Houston’s hot housing market, construction industry employers are calling on workers to keep up with demand. In return, workers expect to be paid for all their hard work and for all the hours they work – a promise that a Tomball masonry contractor failed to keep, a U.S. Department of Labor investigation has found.