June 12, 2023

Employee testifies restaurants offered priest to extract confessions of workplace ‘sins;’ federal court orders payment of $140K to 35 workers

SACRAMENTO – Federal wage and hour investigators have seen corrupt employers try all kinds of scams to shortchange workers and to intimidate or retaliate against employees but a northern California restaurant’s attempt to use an alleged priest to get employees to admit workplace “sins” may be among the most shameless.

June 12, 2023

El Departamento de Trabajo recupera más de $171,000 en concepto de pagos atrasados y beneficios para 11 trabajadores a quienes un subcontratista de construcción en Florida pagaba de menos

LABELLE, FL - El equipo de investigación federal ha descubierto que un subcontratista empleado durante la construcción de una nueva estación de bombeo de reserva en el río Caloosahatchee en el condado de Hendry no pagaba a 11 electricistas la tarifa de salario correcta para el proyecto con apoyo federal, negándoles $171,998 en concepto de salarios y beneficios.

June 12, 2023

Un empleado declara que restaurantes ofrecían un sacerdote para extraer confesiones de "pecados" en el trabajo. Un tribunal federal ordena el pago de $140,000 a 35 integrantes del personal

SACRAMENTO - El equipo de investigación federal de horas y salarios ha visto empresas corruptas intentar todo tipo de estafas para pagar menos salarios al personal y para intimidar o tomar represalias contra el personal, pero el intento de un restaurante del norte de California de usar un supuesto sacerdote para hacer que el personal admita "pecados" en el lugar de trabajo puede estar entre las más desvergonzadas.

June 12, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers more than $171K in back pay, benefits for 11 workers shortchanged by Florida construction subcontractor

LABELLE, FL – Federal investigators have found that a subcontractor employed during construction of a new reservoir pump station on the Caloosahatchee River in Hendry County failed to pay 11 electricians the correct wage rate for the federally supported project, denying them $171,998 in wages and benefits.

June 7, 2023

Department of Labor obtains judgment in recovery of $650K for 26 drivers misclassified as independent contractors by Romero’s Food Products Inc.

SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA – The U.S. Department of Labor has obtained a consent judgment as part of its efforts to recover $650,000 in unpaid overtime wages for 26 delivery drivers of a Santa Fe Springs food manufacturer that misclassified them as independent contractors exempt from overtime.

June 7, 2023

Departamento de Trabajo logra dictamen para recuperación de $650,000 para 26 conductores erróneamente clasificados como contratistas independientes

SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA – El Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. ha obtenido un dictamen por consentimiento para la recuperación de $650,000 en salarios de horas extra no pagados a 26 conductores de entrega de productos empleados por un fabricante de alimentos de Santa Fe Springs que los clasificó erróneamente como contratistas independientes exentos al pago de taridas de horas extra.

June 5, 2023

New Jersey security company pays $132K in back wages , damages to 61 employees after federal investigation finds workers misclassified, denied overtime pay

Employer name:       

Hinton Investigations Inc.

516 Main St.

East Orange, New Jersey 07018

June 2, 2023

Court orders Philadelphia home care provider to pay more than $7M in back wages, damages after denying overtime to 1,230 current, former employees

PHILADELPHIA – A federal court has ordered a Philadelphia home care agency and its owner to pay more than $7 million in back wages and liquidated damages to 1,230 current and former employees after two years of litigation affirmed the U.S. Department of Labor’s finding that the employers willfully failed to pay overtime wages, in most cases by not including employees’ time for work-related travel when calculating wages.

June 2, 2023

US Department of Labor finds upstate South Carolina restaurant chain denied overtime pay, recovers $567K in back wages, damages for 215 employees

Employer:                              Tipsy Holding II LLC, operating as Tipsy Taco

Investigation sites:               215 Pelham Road, Greenville, SC 29615 – Headquarters

June 1, 2023

CORRECTED: US Department of Labor investigations of labor contractors, vineyard yield $231K in penalties, recover $129K in back wages for 353 agricultural workers

SAN FRANCISCO – Home to thousands of winemakers who produce 80 percent of the wine in the U.S., California vineyards also yield their share of unscrupulous employers who profit by taking advantage of migrant and seasonal farmworkers as the harvest season approaches.

To combat violations that deny workers their hard-earned wages or jeopardize their safety, the U.S. Department of Labor has stepped up its outreach and enforcement efforts in the Golden State.

June 1, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $100K in back wages from truck stop operator who denied overtime pay to 15 Jersey City gas station attendants

Employer name:       Petroline Inc., operator of Putnam Truck Stop                                                                                                                                        &

June 1, 2023

Federal court orders Kansas operators of 17 Sonic locations to stop child labor violations after federal investigators find repeated abuses

NEWTON, KS – After federal investigators found, for the second time in a year, that the owners and operators of 17 Sonic Drive-In locations in Kansas illegally allowed children to work longer and at times not permitted by law, the U.S. District Court of Kansas has ordered the franchisees to stop violating child labor regulations.

May 31, 2023

Costly retaliation: Vermont employer pays $28K in back pay, damages to illegally fired employee who sought unpaid wages

MANCHESTER, NH – When a Vermont employer fired an employee who said they would contact the “labor board” if they did not get paid for job-related travel time, the company violated federal protections against retaliation and found themselves facing costly consequences after a U.S. Department of Labor investigation.

May 31, 2023

Department of Labor recovers $121K in back wages, damages for 25 workers denied overtime pay by Minneapolis home healthcare provider

MINNEAPOLIS – The U.S. Department of Labor has obtained a consent judgment in federal court requiring the operator of a home healthcare provider franchise in Golden Valley to pay $121,000 in back overtime wages and liquidated damages to 25 certified nursing and patient care assistants after a federal investigation found the employer denied them overtime pay.

May 30, 2023

Department of Labor identifies more than 170 child labor violations by operators of 6 Reno-area Sonic Drive-In franchise locations

RENO, NV – Federal investigators have found the operator of six Nevada Sonic Drive-In locations illegally allowed 14- and 15-year-old teenagers to work more hours and at times not permitted by federal child labor regulations and assigned them to operate manual deep fryers, a task considered a hazardous occupation.

May 25, 2023

US Department of Labor finds Whataburger restaurant illegally denied nursing mother time to express breast milk, then fired her

Employer name:                    Whataburger Restaurant LLC                                        

Investigation site:                 7201 Quaker Ave.

May 25, 2023

Departamento de Trabajo descubre que Whataburger negó ilegalmente a una trabajadora tiempo para extraerse leche materna, despidiéndola después

Nombre de empleador:              Whataburger Restaurant LLC                                        

May 24, 2023

US Department of Labor recovers $60K for restaurant employee denied protected medical leave, terminated for exercising rights

BRADENTON BEACH, FL – A federal investigation and litigation by the U.S. Department of Labor has recovered $60,065 in back wages and liquidated damages for a former employee of a Bradenton Beach restaurant that forced them back to work the same day of their hospital discharge — despite doctor’s orders not to do so for three days — and terminated their employment less than a week later.

May 24, 2023

Investigation finds federal contractor misclassified employees who fought 2020, 2021 wildfires, denied them $152K in overtime wages, benefits

SUMMERVILLE, OR – A federal contractor in Oregon misclassified dozens of workers – who battled some of the nation’s worst wildfires an average of 70 hours a week in 2020 and 2021 – as independent contractors and denied them their full wages and benefits as a result, the U.S. Department of Labor has found.