February 22, 2016

International Labor Organization awarded $5M to reduce child labor and improve working conditions in small-scale and artisanal gold mining

WASHINGTON – In the nipa groves that line the Philippine shore, families spend harrowing days in a desperate search for gold. Children crouch in the mud, separating gold from sediment. Meanwhile, their older siblings and parents dive deep into the marsh. Spending hours below the surface, seeking tiny flecks of the precious metal in cloudy water, drawing breath from makeshift tubes connected to small compressors. Children like Jonathon Ramorez use toxic mercury to amalgamate the gold.

February 11, 2016

‘Sweat and Toil:’ Bureau of International Labor Affairs releases its mobile app on child labor and forced labor for Android operating system

WASHINGTON – The Bureau of International Labor Affairs' new mobile application, “Sweat & Toil: Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking Around the World,” is now available to download for devices using the Android operation system from Google Play.

December 9, 2015

ILAB News Release: US and Honduras sign landmark labor rights agreement [12/09/2015]

WASHINGTON — U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez and Honduran Minister of Labor Carlos Madero have signed an historic agreement on labor rights that underscores their governments' shared commitment to making trade work for workers.

December 8, 2015

ILAB News Brief: $3M to measure progress in reducing child labor in cocoa-growing communities in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana [12/08/2015]

Funding Recipient: National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago

Total Funding: $3 million

Purpose: Implement a project to assess and measure progress in reducing child labor in cocoa-growing communities of Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana

Location: Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana

December 2, 2015

ILAB News Brief: Fair Labor Association awarded $4.87M to reduce child labor in hazelnut production in Turkey [12/02/2015]

Funding Recipient: Fair Labor Association

Total Funding: $4.87 million

Purpose: Implement a project to improve hazelnut suppliers' social compliance programs and reduce child labor in hazelnut production.

Location: Turkey

November 23, 2015

ILAB News Brief: International Cocoa Initiative awarded $4.5M to reduce child labor in 50 cocoa-growing communities in Côte d'Ivoire [11/23/2015]

Funding Recipient: International Cocoa Initiative

Total Funding: $4.5 million

Purpose: Implement a project to empower cocoa-growing communities in Côte d'Ivoire to reduce child labor

Location: Côte d'Ivoire

November 10, 2015

ILAB News Brief: Winrock International awarded $4.5M to reduce child labor in cocoa-growing communities in Ghana [11/10/2015]

Funding Recipient: Winrock International

Total Funding: $4.5 million

Purpose: Implement a project to empower cocoa-growing communities and help youth further their education or develop marketable skills.

Location: Ghana

November 6, 2015

ILAB News Release: Department of Labor, Government of Paraguay commit to support new $6 million program to combat child labor [11/06/2015]

WASHINGTON — When the government of Paraguay established its Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security in 2014, it demonstrated a commitment to tackling important challenges, including combating child labor and strengthening enforcement of its labor laws. To help achieve this goal, it reached out to the U.S. Department of Labor to help build the capacity of its new ministry.

October 16, 2015

ILAB News Brief: International Labour Organization awarded $9.8 million to address forced labor globally [10/16/2015]

Funding Recipient: International Labour Organization

Total Funding: $9.8 million

Purpose: Implement a project to support global and national efforts aimed at combating forced labor under the 2014 ILO Protocol and Recommendation on Forced Labor.

Location: Global

October 13, 2015

ILAB News Brief: US joins other G7 leaders in adopting declaration on sustainable supply chains [10/13/2015]

Participants: U.S. Department of Labor's Deputy Secretary Christopher P. Lu; G7 ministers of Employment, Labor, Social Affairs, International Cooperation and Development

September 14, 2015

ILAB News Brief: Catholic Relief Services awarded $13M to provide job training to at-risk youth in El Salvador and Honduras [09/14/2015]

Funding Recipient: Catholic Relief Services

Total Funding: $13 million

Purpose: Implement a project to help at-risk youth in El Salvador and Honduras develop market-relevant skills and secure good employment.

Location: El Salvador and Honduras

July 30, 2015

ILAB News Release: $12M in grants to benefit vulnerable children and youth in cocoa growing areas of Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana [07/30/2015]

WASHINGTON — For more than a decade, the U.S. government has been championing efforts to reduce child labor in West African cocoa production, providing vulnerable children in cocoa-growing areas with better access to education and vocational training, and their families with support so they can better provide for themselves and meet their basic needs without relying on child labor.

July 20, 2015

ILAB News Release: $4.8M in funding to fight child labor in agricultural supply chains [07/20/2015]

WASHINGTON — Ricardo stands on his tiptoes, straining to reach into a tangle of branches to retrieve a cluster of coffee berries. He makes his way along the row of trees, each laden with hundreds of the tiny fruit, dropping them carefully in his basket. He repeats this process for hours. His unprotected hands and arms are covered with scratches, his bare feet and legs bitten by bugs, his skin scorched by the hot sun. At 10 years old, this is the world he knows; he has never seen the inside of a classroom.

June 12, 2015

ILAB News Release: Child labor prosecutor Alain-Georges Moukoko of Gabon honored as 2015 Iqbal Masih Award recipient [06/12/2015]

WASHINGTON — In April 1995, on a dusty, rural road in his native Pakistan, 13-year-old Iqbal Masih was riding his bicycle when an unknown gunman shot and killed him. Three years earlier, he had escaped after five years of slavery as a carpet weaver to become an outspoken advocate against child exploitation.

June 11, 2015

ILAB News Release: $10 million announced to fight forced labor of adults and children globally [06/11/2015]

WASHINGTON — For children facing work-filled days — lifting heavy rocks, cutting sugar cane, or weaving carpets — the promise of even a basic education may seem remote. Add the threat of retaliation or violence, under the watchful eye of an employer, and the glimmer of that promise fades even further.

For communities to thrive, children need opportunities to learn and grow. Their families need opportunities to earn a decent living. And everyone needs the freedom of choice to learn and venture as far as their hard work will take them.

April 28, 2015

ILAB News Release: Global occupational safety and health project funded for $10.5M [04/28/2015]

WASHINGTON — Safety and health at work is a basic human right, and a necessity for inclusive economic development. The International Labour Organization reports more than 2.3 million people die every year from occupational and work-related injuries and diseases. The human toll of these injuries and diseases is immeasurable. Economic consequences are also substantial, with an estimated annual loss of 4 percent to global gross domestic product.

April 24, 2015

ILAB News Release: Joint Statement on the Second Anniversary of the Rana Plaza Disaster in Bangladesh [04/24/2015]

WASHINGTON — The text of the following statement was released by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry; High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini; U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez; EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility Marianne Thyssen; U.S. Trade Representative Michael B. G. Froman; EU Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström; U.S. Agency for International Development Acting Administrator Alfonso E.

April 10, 2015

ILAB News Release: El Salvadoran and Honduran youth to receive job-driven skills training in secure environments with $13 million in funding [04/10/2015]

WASHINGTON — In the next decade, six million youth will enter the Central American labor force. They will need job opportunities and the skills to succeed in them. All too often, high poverty and violence rates in El Salvador and Honduras prevent young people from learning the marketable, job-driven skills that can help them forge clear paths to decent jobs and greater economic opportunities. Without access to quality education and good jobs, these youth are vulnerable to exploitation.

February 27, 2015

ILAB News Release: World Vision awarded $7 million to combat exploitative child labor and improve labor rights and working conditions in Honduras [02/27/2015]

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of International Labor Affairs today announced the award of a $7 million cooperative agreement to World Vision to implement a project to combat exploitative child labor and improve labor rights and working conditions in Honduras. World Vision is "dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice."