Guidance Search
The Department of Labor provides this guidance search tool as a single, searchable location where users may search for guidance issued by any of the Department’s agencies, including significant guidance documents under Executive Order 12866. Individual guidance documents are maintained on the various agency websites, and if you know what agency you are looking for, you may also find guidance by navigating directly to that agency’s website. The Code of Federal Regulations and the Federal Register, which are not maintained by the Department, also include some of the Department’s interpretations of law and similar material.
The Department and its agencies issue guidance to provide clarifying information and technical assistance to the public on existing statutory and regulatory rights and obligations, inform the regulated community about best practices, and provide other useful information. The contents of these documents do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way, except as authorized by law or incorporated into a contract, cooperative agreement, or grant.
Members of the public may petition the Department to modify or withdraw specific guidance documents. To petition for a significant guidance document to be created, modified, reconsidered, or rescinded, email the Department of Labor.
Petitions to Modify or Withdraw a DOL guidance document may also be submitted by mail at the address below. Petitions should identify the specific guidance document by name and include your reason(s) for requesting withdrawal or modification.
U.S. Department of Labor
Office of the Executive Secretariat
200 Constitution Ave NW
Washington, DC 20210
Search Tips
- If you are searching using an acronym, try a second search with the acronym spelled out. For example, if you are searching for guidance related to the Davis-Bacon Act, try searching "Davis-Bacon Act" as well as "DBA".
- For more specific results, use quotation marks around phrases.
- For more general results, remove quotation marks to search for each word individually. For example, minimum wage will return all documents that have either the word minimum or the word wage in the description, while “minimum wage” will limit results to those containing that phrase.
Webpage to support the control and prevention of COVID-19 in correctional facilities.
Webpage to support the control and prevention of COVID-19 in business travel.
Webpage to support the control and prevention of COVID-19 in airline operations.
Webpage to support the control and prevention of COVID-19 in border protection and transportation security.
This Field Assistance Bulletin (FAB) provides guidance for Wage and Hour Division (WHD) investigators regarding when an employee may take leave under the Family First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) to care for his or her child based on the closure of a summer camp, summer enrichment program, or other summer program for COVID-19 related reasons.
This Field Assistance Bulletin (FAB) provides guidance regarding when schools that have physically closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are nonetheless considered to be in session for the purposes of the child labor laws applicable to the employment of children under the age of 16 in agricultural and nonagricultural employment.
This Instruction establishes inspection procedures and enforcement policies for the Respirable Crystalline Silica Standards, 29 CFR § 1910.1053 and 29 CFR § 1926.1153.
Application of the retail or service commission sales exemption under Section 7(i) of the FLSA, where more than half of an employee's compensation in the relevant representative period ultimately does not consist of commissions
Whether emergency-management coordinators employed by a county government qualify for the learned professional or administrative exemptions under Section 13(a)(1) of the FLSA
Whether salespeople who set up displays and perform demonstrations at various retail locations not owned, operated, or controlled by their employer to sell the employer's products qualify for the outside sales employee xemption under Section 13(a)(1) of the FLSA
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