Guidance Search
The Department of Labor provides this guidance search tool as a single, searchable location where users may search for guidance issued by any of the Department’s agencies, including significant guidance documents under Executive Order 12866. Individual guidance documents are maintained on the various agency websites, and if you know what agency you are looking for, you may also find guidance by navigating directly to that agency’s website. The Code of Federal Regulations and the Federal Register, which are not maintained by the Department, also include some of the Department’s interpretations of law and similar material.
The Department and its agencies issue guidance to provide clarifying information and technical assistance to the public on existing statutory and regulatory rights and obligations, inform the regulated community about best practices, and provide other useful information. The contents of these documents do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way, except as authorized by law or incorporated into a contract, cooperative agreement, or grant.
Members of the public may petition the Department to modify or withdraw specific guidance documents. To petition for a significant guidance document to be created, modified, reconsidered, or rescinded, email the Department of Labor.
Petitions to Modify or Withdraw a DOL guidance document may also be submitted by mail at the address below. Petitions should identify the specific guidance document by name and include your reason(s) for requesting withdrawal or modification.
U.S. Department of Labor
Office of the Executive Secretariat
200 Constitution Ave NW
Washington, DC 20210
Search Tips
- If you are searching using an acronym, try a second search with the acronym spelled out. For example, if you are searching for guidance related to the Davis-Bacon Act, try searching "Davis-Bacon Act" as well as "DBA".
- For more specific results, use quotation marks around phrases.
- For more general results, remove quotation marks to search for each word individually. For example, minimum wage will return all documents that have either the word minimum or the word wage in the description, while “minimum wage” will limit results to those containing that phrase.
Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 8-21 shares nonpartisan information and resources with states and local areas to make access to nonpartisan voting information and services more easily available through the public workforce system.
Unemployment Insurance Program Letter No. 12-22 transmits the subject computation for State Workforce Agency usage in computing minimum weekly DUA amounts for all major disasters declared from April 1 – June 30, 2022, (third quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2022).
This guidance provides compliance assistance for 401(k) plan fiduciaries considering plan investments in cryptocurrencies, in an effort aimed at protecting the retirement savings of U.S. workers.
Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 7-21 provides adjusted funding levels for PY 2021 allotments for the DW program under WIOA Title I Section 132(c) on recapture and reallotment.
Unemployment Insurance Program Letter (UIPL) No. 2-22, Change 1, notifies states that the deadline for expressing interest in the grant opportunity announced in UIPL No. 2-22 is extended to September 30, 2022. This extension of time is for states to express interest in the grant opportunity announced in UIPL No. 2-22 to support states following a consultative assessment for fraud detection and prevention, promoting equitable access, and ensuring the timely payment of benefits, including backlog reduction, for all unemployment compensation programs.
Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 6-21 provides Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) states, territories, and outlying areas with guidance for submission of two-year modifications to SCSEP Stand-Alone State Plans, including the process and deadline for submission. Note that this guidance pertains only to states that submitted a SCSEP Stand-Alone State Plan for Program Year (PY) 2020-2023. States that included SCSEP as part of a Unified or Combined State Plan for PY 2020-2023 must refer to TEGL 4-21 "Modification Requirements for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) State Plans for Program Years (PYs) 2022 and 2023" for instructions.
Unemployment Insurance Program Letter No. 20-21, Change 1 provides additional instructions for circumstances under which a state may waive recovery of overpayments under the CARES Act Unemployment Compensation (UC) programs, including elaborating on the criteria for waiving recovery of overpayments where an individual is without fault on an individual, case-by-case basis and expanding the existing limited scenarios for permissible use of “blanket waivers,” and reminds states that recovery activities for fraudulent overpayments may never be waived. This Unemployment Insurance Program Letter also describes the required collection activities for overpayments under the CARES Act UC programs which are not eligible for a waiver of recovery.
This set of FAQs addresses coverage of COVID-19 diagnostic testing.
Unemployment Insurance Program Letter No. 11-22 notifies State Workforce Agencies of the availability of up to $15 million for selected states to participate in the ARPA UI Navigator Program. These funds will help workers learn about, apply for, and, if eligible, receive UI benefits and related services (i.e., navigate the UI program) and to support state agencies in delivering timely benefits to workers—especially individuals in groups that are historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality.
Unemployment Insurance Program Letter No. 10-22 provides guidelines for the FY 2022 UI RESEA grants and invites State Workforce Agencies to submit a RESEA State Plan.
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