US DOL Youth Employment Works

The U.S. Department of Labor, led by the Employment and Training Administration, is centering youth and young adults in workforce and economic development conversations. As part of the Youth Employment Works strategy the Department is issuing a Call to Action on youth employment. Tell us how you are going to #HireYouth by submitting your response below.

MAYORS and local leaders can hire youth into local public service; expand summer youth employment programs; convene critical sector partners committed to young workers.

WORKFORCE SYSTEM partners can use their full outreach abilities to reach young people, and engage in strategic workforce planning and partnership building.

EMPLOYERS can implement the Good Jobs Principles for entry-level roles, and commit to interviewing and hiring young people, particularly opportunity youth, who are served by WIOA programs.

PHILANTHROPY can accelerate systems change by supporting technical assistance, strategic planning, and partnership building efforts locally.

There are many ways to advance the Youth Employment Works Call to Action. Tell us how you’re advancing the three pillars of the Youth Employment Works strategy.

map Deliver "no wrong door" access to services. Offer seamless access to supportive services, education, training, and workforce development opportunities.

handsIncrease partnerships for quality career pathways. Businesses, employers, labor organizations, training partners, and philanthropy across all sectors partner and invest in high-quality pathways for young people.

moneyOffer guaranteed paid work experiences. Ensure ALL young people, especially opportunity youth, have a high-quality, career pathway aligned, paid work experience that is safe and age appropriate.

Join Us!

Share your story in response to the Youth Employment Works Call to Action. Join The U.S. Department of Labor to #HireYouth and provide young people seamless access to quality work experiences. No matter your role, you can join the Call to Action. Tell us how you're using innovative and promising strategies to open up opportunities for all young people.