In May 2023, the Biden-Harris Administration released the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism(link is external), which outlined a whole-of-society approach to tackle antisemitism in America. The Strategy features over 100 meaningful actions that over two dozen government agencies will take to counter antisemitism. It also contains over 100 calls to action directed at Congress, State and local governments, companies, technology platforms, students, teachers and academics, civil society and faith leaders, and others.

Relatedly, in November 2023, the Administration announced(link is external) the development of a National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia and Related Forms of Bias and Discrimination and asked agencies to work on combatting Islamophobia and discrimination against Muslims, and those perceived to be Muslim.

The Department of Labor's Civil Rights Center (CRC) enforces civil rights laws that protect individuals who are, or are perceived to be, Jewish, Muslim, or other religious groups. For example, CRC enforces Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), which prohibits recipients of federal financial assistance from discriminating against individuals based on race, color, or national origin, which includes discrimination (including harassment) based on actual or perceived:

  • shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics; and
  • citizenship or residency in a country with a dominant religion or distinct religious identity. 

This means, for example, that CRC may investigate complaints that individuals in DOL-assisted programs were subjected to ethnic slurs or stereotypes, harassment based on their style of dress that reflects both ethnic and religious traditions or heritage, or discrimination because of an accent or name. 

CRC also enforces Section 188 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, or religion, as well as other protected categories, in connection with WIOA Title I funded programs and activities.

The resources listed below are meant to help workers, employers, recipients of federal financial assistance, unions, and other stakeholders to understand the laws that prohibit antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other forms of discrimination and bias.  The resources listed below also provide information for those who believe they have been subjected to a discriminatory action, including harassment or retaliation, by a covered entity. 

CRC Policy Guidance on Title VI and Section 188 of WIOA

Other CRC Resources

General Resources on Your Rights in the Workplace

Resources About Unions

In addition to raising workers' wages and expanding benefits, union membership is also correlated with enforcement of workers' civil rights protections You can find research on this topic here(link is external).