Letters from the President, Woodrow Wilson — to the Secretary of Labor, W.B. Wilson


page 58


July 28, 1920

My dear Mr. Secretary:

I warmly appreciate your generous action in responding to my telegram by returning to Washington to advise me concerning the coal situation. I feel that I need your advice very much, and there is no one else's I am willing to take. You have no doubt been considering this whole situation independently and I would very much value a memorandum from you containing any recommendation that you may choose to make concerning action on my part, if any action on my part is desirable or likely to be effectual.

I take the liberty of enclosing some memoranda sent me by Tumulty, including a letter from Governor Goodrich of Indiana, which Tumulty's accompanying memorandum explains and comments upon.

With warmest regard,

Cordially and faithfully yours,

Woodrow Wilson